Tuesday, 18 February 2025

A Sweet Polish Chicken - Nature 150

Many people raising chicken in their backyard for fresh eggs and or meat, but others just for fun.

Image 01 - Crest on the head.

A Sweet Polish Chicken is one of popular breeding for fun in our areas, others include:
- Silkies
- Cochins
- Bantams
- Sussex
- Ameraucanas

Image 02 - Ageratum, wildflower, illustration only

Another interesting breeding is 
Wyandotte. In addition to beautiful feather and calm behavior, this chicken produce quite good eggs.

Image 03 - Not sleep in the coop. 

Do you know about a Sweet Polish Chicken?

# Previous postings:

Saturday, 8 February 2025

Harvest of Early 2025 - Food 48

 Our two main plants, Tomatoes and Peppers did great. We harvested some of these vegetables for salads. 

Image 01 - Grape tomatoes and peppers

The tastes are delicious and juicy. Some people like them added to a spinach leaf and grilled chicken salad.

There are probably still about 100 tomato and some peppers blossoms in our garden, ready to be picked up in second terms. Some neighbors grow okra, herbs, basils, tangerine, satsuma and Myers lemon. Others discouraged to plant anything due to:
- squirrels
- voles
- and other vermin

Image 02 - Okra, fresh ones.

We believe a cat could deter squirrels to enter our yard. However, Cayote could attack cats or other small pets.

Image 03 - Tabasco peppers

How do you like yours?

# Previous postings:

Sunday, 26 January 2025

The Herd of Goats at Neighborhood

We just saw for a herd of goat grazing on the grass at our neighborhood recently. This is the first time for us, and we don't know the owners yet.

Image - A Herd of Goats, grazing on the grass.

We thought that this is just the cutest thing. Not for the owners but definitely our smile for the day.

Some suggest that it could be a new lawn service. It's gotten out of hand. At least the goats don't have to come out and give you an estimate. They just get the job done, no questions asked.

There are lots of businesses that can be hired to bring herds of goats to clear out overgrown properties or "mow" a field.

It's a cute business model -- the goats eat free, the property owner gets beneficial "soil amendments," and the goat owner gets paid for the effort of hauling them around.

We've never seen it here!

What do you think?

# Previous postings:

Friday, 10 January 2025

The Pears on the Yard - Food 47

We have a pear tree full of pear last summer, sometimes, animals in the backyard stealing them before we pick them all.

Image 01 - Two pears hang on the branches. 

If the critters use that pear tree as part of their tree or bush pathway around our yard, they usually will take the pears.

In case of our pears, there are 4 main critters to steal the fruit in our neighborhood, they are including:
- birds
- squirrels
- raccoons
- rodents

Image 02 - Pears on the floor

# Important postings:

Image 03 - A little tree, pears

We may pick the fruits when their sizes about fist or tennis ball, then store in the dark place for a week or weeks, and they will ripen.

Image 04 - Plenty of pears, ready to be picked.

Do you like pears?

## Previous postings:

Friday, 3 January 2025

Why is my Hen Molting? - Nature 149

If we are raising chickens, we might not aware that chicken plumage falls down on daily and falling increases at a certain time. 

Image 01 - The molting hen 

Based on internet resources that temperature is the main factor to cause falling of chicken's feathers. As degree of coldness drops in certain seasons, the chickens cast off, might resemble leaves dropping down from the trees. 

Moreover, another factor that "broody chickens may begin to molt once they have finished caring for their chicks."

So, we no need to worry or wonder, because chickens molting is a natural process. The old feathers will be replaced by new ones.

Image 02 - The broody hen

Have you noticed the molting hens?

# Previous postings:

Saturday, 28 December 2024

Hand Painting on the Glass - Art 15

 Transforming glass with hand-painted designs is a charming and imaginative method to add a personal touch.

Image 01 - Flamingo on the glassware

Painting could be on the surfaces of:
- windows
- and or decorative items.

Moreover, Christmas is a time to shop include hand painted of Santa on plates, mugs or bar wares.

There are many local artists offer their services around our areas (neighborhood). Designs can be personalized. 

Image 02 - Santa on the plate

Young generation who wants to be artists of hand painting o the glass in our city, Baton Rouge may start their learning from basics to professional at studio such as:
- Painting and Pinot
- Creative studio.

Image 03 - Several critters

Do you like this kind of art works?

# Previous postings:

Friday, 20 December 2024

The Beautiful Bright Green Luna Moth - Nature 148

We saw a beautiful bright green critter it is called the bright green Luna moth. The grub making its way through our yard.

Image 01 - A Luna moth.

The moths look adorable, and their population might be observed in many parts of the USA, and even beyond.

These moths with scientific name, Actias luna, are living in the jungle and bushes. They search foods and mating at night.

Their tails have adaptation to avoid predators such as birds and bat. We have plenty of these predators in our neighborhood.

Image 02 - A caterpillar stage of a Luna Moth.

Apparently, they don't live too long (a single week once emerging from cocoon).

Have you seen Bright Green Luna Moth in Nature?

# Previous postings:

The Pagoda Plant or Giant Salvia? -

Many people mistakenly to distinguish between the Pagoda Plant and Giant Salvia. Actually, there are "simple: appearances of both plant...