Saturday, 14 December 2024

Recognizing Faces and Ramachandran Case – Part 1 - Alzheimer's 16

First of all, I would like you know how I admire teachers. Have you imagined, how smart are they?

Image - Recognizing faces (Illustration: Jade Brady Art)

They able to remember the whole student's names and faces in the class after two meetings.

Remembering a new face is a challenge. Sometimes depend on the first impression.

How about the loved ones? Sure, we recognize them instantly.

According to recognize faces, last week posting (Alzheimer's 15) about a wife who severe with Capgras delusion.

She believes that her husband was another person who is pretending to be her husband.

What the cause of this delusion?

# To be continued to Part 2

## Previous postings:

Friday, 6 December 2024

The Velvet Black and Blue Swallowtail - Nature 147

We had a butterfly visit to our backyard regularly, really pretty. That is the Velvet Black and Blue Swallowtail.

Image 01 - The butterfly with beautiful spots. 

Beautiful coloration with the velvet black and blue on upper side, and the orange spots on underneath.

It is difficult to get a good shot on upper side, since they love to flap their wings while sipping nectar.

The Velvet Black and Blue Swallowtail refers to the Pipevine Swallowtail, with its scientific name, Battus philenor.

The butterfly is found in North America to Central America, including in our neighborhood, Baton Rouge, Louisiana.

Image 02 - The butterfly flies over plants.

Have you seen this butterfly in your neighborhood?

# Previous postings:

Saturday, 30 November 2024

Blooming of Supertunia - Nature 146

Supertunia flowers have quite longer blooming period in our areas. They could bloom from Spring to Fall seasons. 

Image - Supertunia flowers.

Supertunia is one of popular flowers in our neighborhood. The reason to be chosen as a garden flower are: 
- long-lasting beauty
- vibrant blooming
- heat and drought tolerance.

We have seen several colors of Supertunia flowers, few of them are:
- yellow, red
- purple, pink
- brown and blue

Do you familiar with Supertunia?

# Previous postings:

Saturday, 23 November 2024

The Eggs of Apple Snail on the Rock of Lake - Nature 145

When we visit lake by the capitol of our city, we saw plenty of pink things like worms around the lake.

Image 01 - Eggs on the rock

We took pictures, and search through Google. The result said that they are eggs of Apple snails.

In an intriguing behavior, Apple snails deposit their eggs on diverse surfaces above the water's edge, including:
- rocks
- plants
- pipes
- and man-made structures

Image 02 - Apple snail eggs

In the one cluster (worm- like) of Apple Snail's eggs may have hundred to thousand eggs individual. The incubation period for the eggs is approximately 7 to 14 days, contingent on the temperature.

Image 03 - Apple snails (source: Google).

Have you observed Apple Snail eggs in the nature?

# Previous postings:

Friday, 15 November 2024

The Passion Flower in the Yard - Nature 144

The Passion flowers thrive in sunny areas. If we are lucky, we may find this flower along open areas (woodlands), roadsides and in fields. 

Image - The Passion flower, blooming. 

This flower is one of the native flowers in our state with scientific name Passiflora incarnata, and common names: 
- Apricot vine
- Purple passionflower
- Maypop
- Passion vine

In our areas, blooming of Passion flowers is about during in the late Spring until early Autumn. 

Do you observe this flower in your region?

# Previous postings:

Saturday, 9 November 2024

Raising Cows on Local Farms - Nature 143

Some people have health issues, even diagnosed near to death due to consumption of processed foods. 

Image - A local cow 

Other people avoid foods such as meat because it just did not TASTE right. They found out WHY our beef from the grocery store and most restaurants doesn’t taste right. Several reasons are:
- the mass production
- full of antibiotics
- drinking water from a very dirty well
- lack of quality in general.

Interestingly, one of our neighbors began by consuming beef from his own cattle. Now, he supplies the community with high-quality beef at unbeatable prices. 

Do you know who is raising the local cows?

# Previous postings:

Saturday, 2 November 2024

Jam of Fig Fruit - Food 46

There are about 800 species Fig trees in the world, but one species called as Ficus carica refers to Fig fruit.  

Image 01 - A bottle of jam 

The species has several breeding or varieties. 5 well known varieties in our state, Louisiana are:
- Brown Turkey
- LSU AgCenter
- Kadota
- Florentine and Osborne prolific

Each of varieties has unique characteristics. We love breeding from LSU AgCenter, since it is delicious taste and good for making jam.

Image 02 - Ripe fruit, medium size

You may search through internet the recipe and the way for making jam of Fig fruit. Quite easy and straightforward.

Image 03 - Fig fruit hang on tree. 

Some neighbors sell both jam and fruit. The price is reasonable, and even cheaper than in the farmer markets.

Image 04 - Fruits start to ripe.

Have you tasted jam and fruit of Fig?

# Previous postings:

A Sweet Polish Chicken - Nature 150

Many people raising chicken in their backyard for fresh eggs and or meat, but others just for fun. Image 01 - Crest on the head. A Sweet Pol...