We found the injured turtle in our flower bed few days ago. Poor turtle. That one may be too badly injured but it shouldn't suffer.
Obviously, the turtle can still crawl, and the turtle still pokes his out of his shell, so still alive.
It is a small turtle. You might wonder why the critter in flower's bed, it is because the critter eats:
- flowers
- vegetables
- and fruit.
First, we contacted Fish and Wildlife department, but no respond.
# Important postings:
Then we called LSU small animal hospital and an exotic pet vet, unfortunately we have not heard back from them.
Finally, an animal rescue and rehab gave some recommendations:
1) 90% of the time the best thing to do is let an animal heal on its own.
2) Protect from ants and house-flies.
3) Provide water and food and shade.
What do you think?
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