You may read the previous posting (Part 1):
Her mother feels the same, pain and regret. She blames herself about to change name, she wants her name to change back to the first time she named her daughter, Hye-eun.
Crying and sobbing, she left the court, and she changed her daughter’s name in her own way. In the ending chapter, the readers were drawn about her other “weird” way to satisfy her griefs.
# Important postings:
Da-an does not believe God, but she believes poetry. Then she does not believe God, but she never makes poetry either.
Thinking about her sister’s life and Han-Manu’s, she feels doubt about divine providence. Shanghui also does not believe God.
Taerim, the third narrator, believes Jesus, and she actives in her church with her big family. She was also Hae-on’s classmate. Taerim was so depressed about the killing of Hae-on and then she loses her baby girl. She needs God and she makes poetry.
The last chapter DUSK, 2019, after 17 years, from the first narrator, “They are gone now… I am still here and each day I carry on. With me are my mother and little Hye-eun, a guilt no one knows about and an abiding loneliness.”
Lemon, originally published in Korean in 2019. This book was translated by Janet Hong and published in 2021. This novel only has 147 pages, sweet, fresh, and great novel to read with a small cup cold lemonade. Or with slices of canary melon?
Have you heard about canary melon? I just learned about canary melon from this book. How it looks like, let’s google😊
What do you think?
## Previous postings: