Thursday, 23 November 2023

Should We Install Solar Panels in Our Roof? - Part 2 - Science 38

Image 1- Solar panels on the roof.

Much research showed that housing value could increase by up to 20 times if we have a 5 kW solar system on our roof.

In term of dollar, solar panels could make housing value up to US$ 24,000 in the market. Quite good for investment.

It is estimated that 20 solar panels need roof space of 5 hundreds square feet, then, it would produce 5,000 watts.

However, in Louisiana, let’s say we pay US$ 150 per month for electric bill, we might need solar panels system to produce 9500 watts.

Image 2 - A lot of pumpkins, illustration only

Interestingly, the solar system may last for 25 years. We avoid rising cost of electricity for so long, hence, save thousands of dollars.

Image 3 - A small house with solar panels in Louisiana 
(credit to Sunpro Solar).

Should we install solar panels in our roof?

Saturday, 18 November 2023

The Varieties of Succulents in the Singapore - Nature 108

 We have talked about an indoor garden in the Singapore at previous post:
The Rainbow Before Evening : Captivating Indoor Garden in Singapore - Nature 107

Image 1- Round shape succulents.

It was estimated that there are about at least 1,000 species of succulents in the small country, Singapore.

In respect to family, the five well known succulent families in Singapore are:
1) Apocynaceae, an example of species is Adenium
2) Asclepiadaceae, characterized by foul smelling succulents.
3) Aizoaceae, two examples of the species are Haworthia and Lithops
4) Cactaceae, the cacti are seen commonly in Singapore's park or garden.
5) Crassulaceae, the members are popular as houseplants such as Sedum.

Image 2- Some forms of succulents.

Image 3 - The Agave variety of succulent.

Image 4 - A group of Bromeliads.

Image 5 - One corners of an indoor garden.

Image 6 - An outdoor garden, Singapore

How many varieties of succulents have you seen?

# Previous postings:

Wednesday, 15 November 2023

Captivating Indoor Garden in Singapore - Nature 107

 As a small country, Singapore has tried to design gardens and parks, outdoors and indoors. The purpose of these gardens and parks is to attract tourists from around the globe.

Image 1 - The artificial waterfall in the park 

One of gardens is a Jewel Changi airport, its size about 14,000 square meters (0.005 square miles), quite "big" to Singapore, but too small compared to be called as "a garden" in the USA. 

There is "artificial" waterfall, and it is said to be the tallest indoor waterfall in the world with 40 meters or 131 feet tall, surrounded by little forest. It is quite impressive for many visitors.

The garden has about 2,000 tress and 100,000 shrubs. In terms of species, there about 120 comes from countries such as China, Australia and America.

Image 2- Trees in the corner of garden

Image 3 - Several palm trees

Image 4 - Green every side of garden

Image 5 - We may see trees from another story

Image 6 - Trees with waterfall as background.

Image 7 - Visitors in the garden waterfall

Image 8 - Green in the indoor garden

Image 9 - Trees on the highest story

What do you think about indoor garden?

# Previous postings:

Saturday, 11 November 2023

What is the Species of Frog? - Nature 106

Never have seen this frog before. We believe that this Amphibian spends most of its time just under the ground.

Image 1- A strange frog, we never seen before

I hadn't seen one until a few years ago. You'll run across them digging around water. Or at least that's when I've found them. Rare though.

Based on GoogleID, there are 3 possibilities of this frog species:

1) An eastern narrow mouth toad
- native to the eastern parts of America
- yes, they are living underground, most of their time.

2) Fowler toad.
- This species is native to Mexico and the southwestern America.

Image 2- A toad emerges to the surface

3) The Banded Bullfrog
- could reach 8 inches long, the largest frog in the North America. frog is important in the ecosystem to control insect population.

Image 3- A toad in the nature

Have you seen this kind of frog in the nature?

# Previous postings:

Thursday, 9 November 2023

The Chrysanthemum and other flowers – Nature 105

We just talk flowers that blooming in the Fall at previous post:
- The Rainbow Before Evening : Blooming of Flowers in the Autumn - Nature 103

Image 01- Arrangement of Chrysanthemum flowers

The Chrysanthemum is one of beautiful flowers in our city, Baton Rouge. It has been popular choice for its long blooming seasons, colors and shapes. However, In term of bloom, people know it blooms in Autumn.

Other reasons that people choose the Chrysanthemum are good for indoor or outdoor, and low maintenance plant.

The flower comes from Asia, but it has been adaptable to hot and humid climate of our state, Louisiana, and we may find the flowers have been cultivated in many different areas of America.

Image 2- Some flowers on the bench, blooming in the Autumn

Image 3- Flowers at the corner, Fall season.

Image 4- Autumn season flowers, colorful

What flowers which blooming in the Autumn in your areas?

# Previous postings:

Saturday, 4 November 2023

Releasing an Armadillo Back into the Wild - Nature 104

We have been seen a burrow hole in our yard. One of our neighbors tell us that she saw an armadillo.

Image 1 - An armadillo in the trap

Another day, the neighbor has observed Armadillos went under the fence, then cross our driveway, then cross the street to her yards.

How to discourage Armadillos to come and to dig holes in our yards?

Some neighbors suggested to use Armadillo Scram, a repellent to deter Armadillos to burrow or damage yards, gardens, lawn or landscapes.

Other neighbors also recommended to use cayenne pepper either sprinkled or mixed with water, and then to be sprayed on our yards or flowerbeds or bed covers (pine straw / bark).

Image 2- Illustration only.

Unfortunately, both Armadillo Scram and Cayenne pepper just work for about 30 days, the Armadillos come back to our yards.

Fig 03- A burrow hole, dug by Armadillo.

The wildlife office suggested to put a trap. Yes, we got one, then based on the recommends from wildlife department, we released the Armadillo back into the wild, quite far from our neighborhood.

Fig 04- The Armadillo, quite big

Have you seen this animal in the nature?

# Previous postings:


Thursday, 2 November 2023

The Mexican Hat Flowers in the City Garden – Part 2 – Nature 72

Image 1- Brown stalk of Mexican hat flower

Mexican hat flowers can be found in almost all states of America and even to several states (Provinces) of Canada

The blooming is around mid summer until fall seasons, about two months. The plant produced flowers with colors of:

- dark red yellow
- brown
- orange
- yellow and other colors combines

Image 2- Plenty of Mexican hat flowers

Since its rich of nectar and attractive colors, people grow this flower in the garden to attract pollinators.

Image 03- Blooming of Mexican hat flowers

Well known pollinators visit the Mexican hat flowers are:
- butterfly
- bee

Image 4- Several Mexican hat flowers in the garden.

A little cutie Bunny at the Corner

 When jogging in the Saturday morning recently, we saw a bunny. She is very s uper friendly critter! Image - A super friendly bunny. We beli...