We observed a big caterpillar in one of our tomatoes plants this morning. The caterpillar eats a lot of the tomato plant’s leaves.
The caterpillar is a quite big, the length size might be 3 inches or 7.6 cm. The color is green with stripes, and a black horn on the tail.
Based on the GoogleID, this caterpillar belongs to the five-spotted hawkmoth caterpillar or also called as a tomato hornworm.
It is said that the caterpillar is commonly seen in the garden. In addition to tomatoes. It loves peppers and potatoes leaves.
Unfortunately, this caterpillar might be a plant pest. It is because it could consume great number of leaves.
In case of tomatoes, the five-spotted hawkmoth caterpillars can also destroy tomato fruit by boring into the fruit.
When getting larger and larger at last stage devolvement, the caterpillar could eat an entire tomato plant within minutes.
Have you ever seen this kind of caterpillar?
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