Saturday, 5 August 2023

A Dragonfly and Flowers in the Corner - Nature 84

Dragonflies are commonly seen fly over plants in our little garden at the corner from Spring to Fall. In our city, Baton Rouge, their peak seasons from July to September.

Image 1- A dragonfly in the corner

There are about 3,000 species of dragonflies in the world. Our state, Louisiana has about 118 species which are non-native and native species.

Some of dragonflies in our state are: Eastern pondhawks, Blue dashers, Common green darners, Red-veined darters, Great blue skimmers, Ebony jewelwings, Bluets, Forktail damselflies, and Meadowhawks.

Based on GoogleID, the above dragonfly (Image 1) was identified as the great blue skimmer (Libellula vibrans). This dragonfly is common seen to fly over rivers, lakes and ponds.

Image 2- The Alstroemeria psittacina flower, illustration

Interestingly the dragonfly can fly forward and backward with speed 35 miles per hour, and able to hover or making very sharp turns.

In the ecosystem, this critter is important to control mosquitoes which carry malaria.  You might surprise that a dragonfly may eat about 100 mosquitoes in a single day.

Image 3- The Virginia spiderwort flower, illustration

Do you know the number of dragonflies species in your areas?

# Previous postings:

Monday, 31 July 2023

The Girl with Yellow Skirt – Part 1 – Reading 14

The beginning of chapter “SHORT, 2002” was a process interrogation of a detective to one of two boys.

Image 1- “Lemon” in the lemon tree

The boys are suspected commit a crime in the case of “The High School Beauty Murder”, Han Manu, 18-year-old, in the police interrogation room. Another suspect was Jeongjun, but this boy has an alibi. It was flashback of the first narrator, Da-On, the younger sister of the victim.

The victim, Hae-on, was a senior in one of high school in Seoul, South Korea. Her death body was found in a park, not too far from her school, in afternoon July 1, 2002, when Seoul was crowded with Japan-Korea FIFA World Cup.

Lemon has started with a murder and an interrogation by detective, but this novel more likely brings the readers to think about the cope of grievances than to find out the killer.

Image 2- Part of book.

People cope their griefs differently. Coping strategies are unique to an individual, some of them are unacceptable.

The second narrator in next chapter, Shanghui, was Hae-on classmate. Shanghui and Da-on were in the same Poetry Club in their school. From this narrator, the readers able to see the pictures of the class, clubs. school, and her classmates. She was afraid to get wrong person, but she believes the girl is Da-on.

Then, she found out the girl with yellow skirt, lemon color, did plastic surgery, she changed her face into her sister’s face, and she also always wears yellow dress, like her descent sisters in her last day, wearing yellow dress.

Image 3- A city hall, illustration only

Da-on is really in deep pain from this murder, and pain from surgery.

# To be continued to Part 2

## Previous postings:

Friday, 28 July 2023

The Opossum in Neighborhood – Nature 83

We often see Opossums across on our yard in the evening. Some neighbors saw these critters are able to climb trees and roofs.

Image 1- A baby Opossum

The critters are quite common in our neighborhood recently, luckily they are harmless and not bother to residents.

Opossums are known as omnivore, so they can many kinds of food, some of them are fruits, vegetables, insects and small mammals.

They love to eat insects such as ticks, spiders, ants and Cockroaches. The Opossum also like to consume garden’s pests that are slugs and snails.

Interestingly, Opossums consume ticks in enormous amount, could reach 5,000 (Five Thousand) ticks per season.

Image 2- Geranium, illustration only

Since Opossums may control certain pests and insects, hence they are considered as one of important critters in the ecosystem.

Unfortunately, Opossum they may raid garbage cans, and hiding in the attic. If we think this is a problem, we may call Animal control officers or hire wildlife removal company.

Image 3- Crochet, Illustration

Are there Opossum in your neighborhood?

# Previous postings:

Monday, 24 July 2023

Blooming of Hibiscus in Louisiana – Nature 82

We posted about giant Hibiscus flower previously:

Image 1- Two colors of Hibiscus

Hibiscus flowers origin from tropical and subtropical areas, they are Asia, Africa, the Americas and the Pacific Islands.

There are about 200 species world wide. Our state, Louisiana has four species of native Hibiscus: Hibiscus aculeatus, Hibiscus grandiflorus, Hibiscus lasiocarpos and Hibiscus moscheutos.

Cajun hibiscus is one of popular flowers in our state. It is cross breeding of two native flowers: Hibiscus lasiocarpos and Hibiscus moscheutos. You may see this flower at Image 4 below.

Image 2- A Hibiscus flower

Some people plant Hibiscus to attract butterfly and hummingbirds. These critters make garden more attractive and beautiful.

Image 3- A star Hibiscus

Butterfly and hummingbirds love to visit Hibiscus because this flower provides sweet nectar as a source of food.

Image 4- Red Hibiscus flowers

How many types of Hibiscus in your areas?

# Previous postings:

Friday, 14 July 2023

We Saw a Beautiful Snake in the Yard – Nature 81

When we were going outdoor to see our plants, we saw the snake, look quite pretty. The size is not so big.

Image 1- A beautiful snake

Based on GoogleID and supported by one of our neighbors, the snake is Speckled king snake.

This nake is native to the USA, and found a lot in southern states such as our state, Louisiana.

Lampropeltis holbrooki is a scientific name for Speckled king snake. The snake has a black body with small yellow-white specks. They look beautiful.

A wonderful snake for our property. Highly beneficial. We are honored to be hosting it!

Image 2- Flowers, illustration only

The snake is immune to the venom of venomous snakes, and it will often eat venomous snakes as prey.

King snake is active during the day (diurnal). Since the snakes are predators, their diets are shrews, lizards and mice.

Image 3- Another King snake

Do you know about King snake?

## Previous postings:

Friday, 7 July 2023

Zinnia Flowers Grow Well in the Neighborhood – Nature 80

Zinnias are believed come from warmer areas such Mexico and Central America, so no surprise the flower grow well in our state, Louisiana.

Image 1- Zinnias in the garden

The blooming is observed from late Spring to early Fall. One of blooming flowers during hot temperature.

Over 20 species of zinnia in the world, but only a few of them are commonly grown in gardens.

Zinnia elegans is one of popular Zinnias in our state, Louisiana. This species has a lot of unique varieties.

Other commonly grown zinnia species are Zinnia haageana, Zinnia angustifolia, and Zinnia marylandica.

Image 2- One of beautiful Zinnia

Zinnias are well know flowers to attract many pollinators such as hummingbirds, bees, butterfly, moths, flies, and beetles.

Image 3- A pink Zinnia.

These pollinators play an important role in pollination, and they help to ensure that zinnias can reproduce and thrive.

Image 4- Several zinias, blooming.

It is said that zinnias are also easy to grow and care for. They do well in full sun and well-drained soil, and they can be planted in a variety of settings.

Image 5- Two pink Zinnias

Zinnia flowers are a great choice for pollinator gardens, and they can also add a splash of color to any landscape.

Image 6- A little corner with Zinnia

Do you love Zinnia?

# Previous postings:

Saturday, 1 July 2023

Is Brisk Walking better than Slow Walk? - Part 1 - Healthy Life 28

We walk almost 3 times a week, except rain and other reasons such as too hot (above 30* C or 86* F) or too cold (below 10* C or 50* F).

Image 1- One of walking or jogging areas in my neighborhood.

Our walking is quite slow with about 35 minutes length of time in our city garden or neighborhood areas.

Just reading several papers or popular articles about brisk walking. Then, what is brisk walking by quantity measures?

Here some of information concerning brisk walking:

- 100 steps per minute
- 4.5 km to 4.75 km (2.8 mile to 2.95 mile) per hour for older persons
- 5.3 km to 5.4 km (3.3 mile to 5.4 mile) per hour for younger persons

Image 2- A neighborhood area

As reported by ScienceDaily (March 16, 2021) that brisk walking leads to have good: cardiovascular and heart health

Hence, fast walkers could be related to physical fitness. This measure, together with normal Body Mass Index (BMI) are more able to cope with external stressors, include infection diseases.

Image 3- Another corner of our neighborhood

# To be continue to part 2

## Previous postings:

A little cutie Bunny at the Corner

 When jogging in the Saturday morning recently, we saw a bunny. She is very s uper friendly critter! Image - A super friendly bunny. We beli...