We are in the second week of April. The weather is getting warmer up, may reach up to 86 F (30 C) in our city, Baton Rouge, LA.
It's a good time to work my yard that I left about over a month. Shrubs are growing in some spots and they are surrounding the house.
Normally, in early Spring whenever many kinds of plants spur up with lovely manner show their buds, we just let them growing and flowering.
My reasons are not only to enjoy the amazing views but also to keep small wild flower as the first flower to invite the bold bees and insects to do pollination to my fruit trees.
So, I don't need to catch them or borrow from somewhere. Then, in the Summer, I (my planning) to avoid all weeds and wild flowers by clearing them all.
Then, what happen?
# Previous postings:
- The Rainbow Before Evening : Is Mockingbird a Smart Bird? - Science 32
- The Rainbow Before Evening : Could Parasite Control Human Mind? - Science 33
- The Rainbow Before Evening : How often Should we Consume Blueberries? - Part 2 – Food 35
- The Rainbow Before Evening : Are Bald Eagles not Endangered Species Anymore? - Nature 50