Monday, 30 January 2023

Sugarcane Sticks Sold in the Mexican Grocery – Food 36

I used to chew sugarcane sticks, off course after removing its outer layers, when I was a kid long time ago.

Image 1- Sugarcane sticks sold in the grocery.

Fun memory to select a good tree, cut tree with proper sizes, peel off the outer layers, and chewing its. Tastes so sweet.

I loved to drink sugarcane juice as well. As suggested by Raw Pressery (2021: 13 Amazing Health Benefits of Sugarcane Juice) that sugarcane juice has plenty of health benefits.

Just for few examples, sugarcane juice contains highly minerals, high source of vitamin C, low fats and low Glycemic index.

Image 2- Pine fruits, illustration only

By the way, when we visited an ethnic, Mexican grocery recently, we found sticks of sugarcane on the shelves.

Image 3- Sugarcane juice, sold in Walmart

Yes, USA has sugarcane farmings which produce millions ton of sugars, but first time saw sugarcane sticks on the market.

Have you chewed sugarcane sticks?

# Previous postings:

Saturday, 28 January 2023

Impacts of Winter Storms – Nature 49

We talked about “Winter Storms during Cold Season” at previous post:

- Rainbow Before Evening : Winter Storms during Cold Season – Nature 48

Image 1- Snow, several years ago.

Impact not only to an individual, but also to communities, and even to animals (pets or farming).

High speed and chilly winds may cause personal injuries, and sometimes deaths.

It is often that the storm has strong effect on many activities:

- travels
- business
- and school activities.

Image 02- Frozen, two years ago

Hundreds of flights may be canceled.

House maintenance is expensive during cold season. Snow and ice could cause on water pressure, sump pump and water temperature, then lead to plumbing problems.

Image 3- Frozen Ice at the backyard

Please avoiding hypothermia where our body may become freeze due to lack of blood circulation, thus body has extra worked when exposure to extreme cold by pushing more blood to keep lungs and heartwarming and working properly.

Finally, take care yourself during extreme temperature of cold storm.

# Previous postings:

Thursday, 26 January 2023

White Hominy Pearls Tossed with Coconut Shreds – Part 3 – Food 32

You may read previous posting (Part 1):

Image 1- Sweet white hominy pearls tossed with coconut shreds

Hominy is a product of corn, so it is free from gluten, high fiber, low fat and low carb.

Just for your illustration that one cup (165 g) of hominy contents about 120 calories, and 4 g(16% daily value) of fibers.

For today consumption, I use hominy from Juanita's. I empty hominy into the pot, rinse, and cover with water. 

Image 2- A nutcracker, illustration only

Image 3- The raw corn, illustration

Put the pot on medium high and bring to boil, then add some sugar, stir a few times. When the texture is softer, we should drain, and toss with coconut shreds. Ready to enjoy!

Do you like hominy? What is your favorite hominy recipe?

# Previous postings:

Monday, 23 January 2023

Winter Storms during Cold Season – Nature 48

We got first winter storm in early January this year. The storm brought freezing rains and snow to many states of USA.

Image 1- Icy in our place, last year photo, illustration.

The snowfall was approximately 5.1 cm (2 inches) per hour in several states such as:

- Nebraska
- South Dakota
- Minnesota

It was predicted in the coming days that winter storms will again visit several parts of USA.

Image 2- Just for illustration

As you might be know that severe storms due to a blast of cold air from Arctic region sometimes, and as one of important factors.

Image 3- A squirrel, illustration only

Temperature is expected to drop to F below zero or around 17 C minus, so much below the freezing point with might be more than a one feet snow.

Image 4- Pile of snow in backyard, several years ago

Since winter storms cause temperature dropping and bring snow, and snow could cover many spots, thus very hazardous to walk or drive in this condition.

What do you think?

# Previous postings:

Saturday, 21 January 2023

The First Exhibition of a Local Artist – Art 12

We may see artworks are hung on one side of our city library entrance regularly. The wall is a good spot for art exhibitions.

Image 1- The forest, painted by Tamara Heidenthal, a local artist

All stage artists use the wall to promote their artworks. Some of them have been posted in the blog:

Few days ago, we saw a new local artist, Tamara Heidenthal made her first paintings exhibition in the city library, Baton Rouge, Louisiana.

Surprisingly, she just complete her one week of 40 hours class each year. She did it for 3 consecutive years that are in 2020, 2021 and 2022.

Image 2- Two coconut trees

Image 3- Mountains covered by snow

So, totally, she completed 3 weeks or 120 hours painting courses in Florida, then the result is excellent for my opinion.

The 3 above paintings as you might be know are landscape paintings, the depictions of forest, trees on the beach and mountains.

What do you think?

# Previous postings:

Wednesday, 18 January 2023

Learning Process Based on My Own Experienced – Part 3– Science 28

Image 1- The painting by a local artist

Moreover, I able to analyze and distinguish for every shock such as etiology, process, signs and symptoms, and prognosis.

The causes of shock is not merely heart disease but also caused by infection (Septic shock), dehydration and burns also cause shock (Hypovolemic Shock).

I able to explain how pain and fear can lead shock (Vasogenic or Neurogenic Shock), and how do the foods, medications, venom, and latex lead shock (anaphylatic shock) (analyzing level).

Image 2- A cat on the street, illustration

Finally, based on this experience, I have reached the analyzing level in Bloom's Taxonomy levels.

Image 3- The banquet of flowers

I have prepared for the diagnosis of the complexity of human diseases, and the investigation of sign and symptoms.

Those are to prepared for future education and training in areas of human medicine.

# Previous postings:

Tuesday, 17 January 2023

Mockingbirds are Permanent Residents of Our State – Nature 47

Since my photos are not sharp enough, just using a cellphone, I doubt to say what species of the bird I saw.

Image 1- A lonely mockingbird.

Through Google ID searching by image, the result said that the bird is the Northern Mockingbird.

Then, I believe with at least two reasons:

- the length size is quite similar to Robin
- length of tail is almost the same with its body
- body shape is slender

Moreover, why are Mockingbirds permanent residents of Louisiana state?

Image 2- A corner of suburban areas of our city

We may observe the Northern Mockingbirds through all seasons all seasons in our state, Louisiana.

Image 3- A Mockingbird sitting on the twig.

Hence, they are permanent residents of our state, not migratory birds come in from other states or regions.

In fact, mockingbirds are common birds. They seem well adapt to the city and residential areas. I often see this bird seeks insects nearby our neighborhood.

Did you observe Mockingbirds in your areas?

# Previous postings:

Grapefruit Sold on the Sidewalk - Food 50

During Spring until Summer times, many people include kids (with their parents, off course) sell homemade foods, juice and fruits.  Image 01...