You may read previous posting (Part 1):
- Learning Process Based on My Own Experienced – Part 1 – Science 28
Then, I distinguished the causes that lead to dysfunction of the heart, so I can recognize the clinical manifestations of shock such as thirst and agitation or restlessness; those lead to hypotension is followed by the characteristic signs of compensation (understanding level):
- tachycardia
- and oliguria
Moreover, based on clinical manifestation that vasoconstriction shunts blood from the viscera and skin to the vital areas.
Then the direct effects of a decrease in blood pressure and blood flow become manifest by lethargy, weakness, dizziness, and a weak pulse.
I recommend the diagnosis should be done to determine shock: Blood studies, ECG, chest X-ray, hemodynamic monitoring (applying level).
# To be continued to Part 3
## Previous postings:
- The Rainbow Before Evening : Parks for Dogs in My City Baton Rouge, Louisiana – Part 2
- The Rainbow Before Evening : In what chromosomes are the gene mutation related to Alzheimer's Disease? - Part 1 - Alzheimer's 5
- The Rainbow Before Evening : Weekly Farmer Market at Our Neighborhood