Saturday, 5 November 2022

A House for “Quarantined for Life” - Part 2 – Healthy Life 25

You may read previous 1 (Part 1):

- A House for “Quarantined for Life” - Part 1 – Healthy Life 25

Image 1- Hansen diseases museum (credit to Atlas Obscura)

The Museum is located at 5445 Point Clair Rd. Carville. LA 70721. To reach this site from my city, Baton Rouge, there are some routes:

Interstate 10 (I-10 E)
US-61 South
E Hwy 30E

Interestingly, especially for me that there are verdant plantations, fields of sugar cane, and towering chemical plants along the way to the Point Clair.

Image 2- Decoration from pumpkin

This place is also called the Native (American) Indian Camp. In the past, Indian Houmas people used this area for hunting of wild animals and fishing.

Image 3- American flag fly over the roof

Beside Indian Camp, this site has different names along its history. At least three different well-known names, they are:

- Louisiana Leper Home

- The Louisiana Hansen's Disease Center
- National Hansen Disease Museum.

The museum is opened in 1999, after closing of hospital in 1998. The main purposes of museum to display live of Hansen disease patients and staff members.

Recent days, the museum provides education to who interests on Hansen’s diseases, include its prevention and treatment knowledge.

# Previous postings:

Thursday, 3 November 2022

Some Facts about Pomegranate – Healthy Life 26

I thought Pomegranates grow in tropical countries only, and then exported to the USA markets.

Image 1- Pomegranate is source of antioxidant

In fact, this fruit grow well not only in dry states such as California and Arizona, but also in other certain states.

We may see Pomegranate as one of local fruit at local markets in several states include:

- North Carolina
- Utah
- Alabama and Florida
- and Texas

Image 2- Sweet seeds of Pomegranate

In our state, Louisiana, the fruit abundant during summer until early autumn seasons.

Almost all farmer markets sell Pomegranate with reasonable, and even lower prices on those times.

Image 3- Pomegranates sold in the local farmer market.

The special about the fruit that they contain a lot of (high in):

- dietary fiber and folic acid
- vitamin (C and K)
- antioxidant compounds and punicalagins (anti inflammatory compound)

In case of antioxidant properties, as you might know, it is believed that Pomegranate may reduce bad (LDL) cholesterol, then to improve hearth, prostate, digestive and brain conditions.

However, Pomegranate is higher sugar content, 14 gram sugar of 100 gram fruit, hence, it is not recommended to consume more than 100 gram fruit for diabetes patients.

Have you eaten Pomegranate?

If yes, do you like it?

Wednesday, 2 November 2022

Do You Know Cashew Milk? – Part 2 - Food 27

You may read previous post (Part 1):

- Do You Know Cashew Milk? – Part 1 - Food 27

Image 1- Cashew milk, sold by Amazon

Cashew apple (enlarge fruit ripe), seeds, wood and other parts are used for multiple purposes.

The fresh fruits or cashew “apple” can be eaten raw. Juice from fruits is consumed as:

- beverage
- fermented for wine, jam and jelly

Gum is used in pharmaceutical industry such as substitute for the expensive Arabic gum.

Image 2- The flowers, illustration

Image 3- Cashew seeds, sold by Walmart

Oil from the seed- shell for varnishes. seeds also for oil and milk. We familiar with seeds for snacks in vary presentations, such as roasted cashew or chocolate cashew.

It is said cashew timber may be used for furniture and charcoal. The properties of the cashew plants are also used as folk medicine.

Moreover, different countries use different part of cashew for preventing and healing the signs and symptoms of the certain disease process.

# To be continued to part 3

## Previous postings:

Tuesday, 1 November 2022

A Colorful Car at Our City Park – Art 7

The city park is one of our favorite places for walking or jogging. We do walking almost every day.

Image 1- A colorful car.

We avoid rain and too low temperatures for our outdoor daily walking, then we do indoor activities.

Morning walking no more than 40 minutes, just about 2 miles (3.2 km), enough to make us feel “healthy.”

A lot of interesting, unique and fun things are found while we are doing our daily outdoor walking.

Recently, we saw a colorful car, parking in the corner of park.

Image 2- Illustration only

# Important postings:

Image 3- A left side of colorful car

What wonder us: who the owner of this colorful car?

After a while, we understand the colorful car is belong to “a mural painter” who might have a project around the city park.

Mural painters are quite popular nowadays, they are ready to be hired as:

- an independent artist
- artists who associated with companies (small, medium and big one).

Do you know or have a friend as a mural artist?

# Previous postings:

Monday, 31 October 2022

Fruits with flavored chia in cups – Part 3 – Food 25

You may read previous posts (Part 1 and Part 2):

Image 1- Tangerine from backyard

The ingredients may include pears, hydrated Chia seeds (water, Chia seeds), sugar, citric acid, natural flavor, ascorbic acid (to protect color), Carmine, vegetable extract for color.

I love the taste of Pears in blackberry flavored chia. The package looks very nice and appealing.

The crisp chunk pears are juicy, but the juice mixed with chia is quite thick for me, and some people.

Image 2- Wild flowers, illustration

Image 3- Chia seeds floating on the surface.

They look great and whoever like chia seeds for their benefit, great cups for snack. The only one thing, Del Monte use carmine for their natural food color which is give the red or crimson color.

Since carmine is produced from bugs or insects, I feel I do not eat 100% fruits from these cups. Just reminder for who have allergic reaction to extract insect, it could be cause to mild hives or anaphylatic shock.

Note: “Off course we should consume fresh one. In storms areas like our state, we need to store the packages of foods and drinks.”

# Previous postings:

Sunday, 30 October 2022

Happy Halloween to Who Celebrates It – Art 6

I have never missed bags of candies for Halloween. They are such a reward for the trick-or-treaters who knocks on my front door in the evening.

Image 1- Jack o-lantern face

I cannot wait for that moment, especially whenever I see them with their cute and fantastic costumes.

Every year, on October 31st evening, the children around my neighborhood walk around with their costumes and baskets, play trick-or-treat, and adults supervise them from behind.

I am always amazed with the preschooler, like the others, they are also very excited with their costumes.

Image 2- Skeleton decoration

Preschoolers are the best with pretend play, and they also love dress-up activities.

The meaning of costumes in their mind must be different with the school children, teens, and adults.

Image 3- Scary decoration

I am kind of enthusiast to know what the preschoolers’ thought about the costumes and the decorations of Halloween because their thinking is not mature yet.

Image 4- Some of Candies for kids

They believe that inanimate things also have life, and they also believe in the powerful cause of events as well.

Image 5- Night at our neighborhood

This is a stage of their developmental thinking, well known as animism and magical thinking.

When they come to me, I like to hear them talking about their thoughts.

Image 6- One of Scary faces

The age of 4 to 5 years enjoy talking, even they use several words only but their vocabulary more than 2100 words.

It is wonderful!

Okay, here are some candies for great trick-or-treat!

Fill up your baskets, but please do not eat all candies at one time. Also, brush and floss your teeth before going to bed.

Good night!

Happy Halloween!

# Previous postings:

Saturday, 29 October 2022

Wild Bees are Visiting Our Backyard – Part 1 - Nature 43

Indeed, Spring and Summer times are the peak of bees visiting our backyard, but we may see few bees in early Autumn.

Image 1- He's coming, pollination will be in progress.

As reported by Gees Bees Honey Company (2022: What Do Honeybees Do in the Fall?) that they noticed “Even after the first frost, the bees bringing pollen into the hive, presumably from aster flowers.”

The number of bee species is quite great, it is estimated about thousand different species both in the world and in North America:

- 16,000 species in the world.
- 4,000 species in North America.

Image 2- The bee between flowers and leaves

# Important postings:

Image 3- One of important flowers for bees

Of thousands, I wonder why one species only to produce honey called honeybee with scientific name Apis mellifera.

Image 4- Local honey from wild bees

Another species, bumble bees produced honey as well, but just small amount for their own used only. Hence, the honey can’t be collected by beekeepers for commercial purposes.

Moreover, Honeybees live in collective for years, while wild bees live collective for short period, one season.

Honeybees live in the hives which have honeycomb.

# To be continued to part 2

## Previous postings:

The Pears on the Yard - Food 47

We have  a pear tree full of pear last summer, sometimes, animals in the backyard stealing them before we pick them all. Image 01 - Two pear...