Thursday, 20 October 2022

Simple Decorations for Halloween and Thanksgiving around Our Neighborhood

As you know we are in the USA, have Halloween day at the end of October, then followed by Thanksgiving Day in the third week of November.

Image 1- A girl with pumpkins

In respect to decorations of Halloween and Thanksgiving, there are several types of my neighbors:

- who doesn’t have decoration at all
- who have Halloween decoration only
- who have Thanksgiving decorations only
- who have combined of Halloween and Thanksgiving decorations.

Our house includes in the type of who doesn’t have decoration at all with some reasons. 

Image 2- Halloween decoration at yard

Image 3- A smiling woman

Image 4- A skeleton decoration.

However, we do celebrate both Halloween and Thanksgiving days like other people in the world.

In case of decoration at our neighborhood, I think less and less neighbors have decoration for Halloween.

It might be due to economic constraints. People thinks about other matters than just spending time and money. Actually, I don’t know the exact reasons.

How about celebration of Halloween and Thanksgiving days in your neighborhood?

# Previous postings:

Wednesday, 19 October 2022

Fruits with flavored chia in cups – Part 2 – Food 25

You may read previous post (Part 1):

- Fruits with flavored chia in cups – Part 1 – Food 25

Image 1- Grab some goodness from 2 - 7 oz.cups.

What are in the delicious cups?

There are combination of pieces of delicate fruits and chia seeds sold in the markets:

- Apples in raspberry cherry flavored chia
- Mangos in pineapple flavored chia
- Pears in blackberry flavored chia
- Mixed fruits in tropical flavored chia
- Peaches in strawberry dragon fruit flavored chia

Image 2- Tangerine on the branch

Image 3- White flowers, illustration only

Image 4- Fresh grape

Sure, the package has nutritional values. Whole serving in the cups provide:

- 100% daily value of vitamin C,
- 800mg of omega-3 fatty acids,
- 4-5g dietary fiber

Note: Off course we should consume fresh one. In storms areas like our state, we need to store the packages of foods and drinks.

# To be continued to Part 3

## Previous postings:

Monday, 17 October 2022

Nuts of Pine Trees in the Park – Nature 42

We have seen a lot of pine’s nuts on the ground when we are jogging in the park during autumns.

Image 1- The pine’s nut

The nuts, actually cute looking, and we know that some people use its for decorations.

As you might know, there are around 105 to 124 species of Pines in the world, found mostly in Northern hemisphere.

The Pines are grown in many places for two purposes:

- source of timber
- ornamental trees in the parks

Image 2- Pine trees nearby walking path

Image 3- Pine nuts on the ground

Image 4- One of critters consumes Pine nuts

Image 5- A lot of Pine nuts fall down

Image 6- Pine trees in the park

Image 7- A squirrel playing on the ground

Of 105 to 124 species, there are 20 species of well-known pine trees that produce “edible nuts.”

However, 4 species are commercially harvested for their nuts:

- Italian stone pine (Pinus pinea)
- Mexican pinon (Pinus cembroides)
- Chinese nut pine (Pinus koraiensis)
- Colorado pinion (Pinus edulis)

Many groceries include Walmart sell Pine Nuts, have you tasted them?

# Previous postings:

Sunday, 16 October 2022

The SHIELD is a New Hope to Protect Our Brain – Part 2 - Alzheimer's 10

You may read previous posting (Part 1):

- The SHIELD is a New Hope to Protect Our Brain – Part 1 - Alzheimer's 10

Image 1- Learning a new language.

Healthy Lifestyle habit is a new finding that can prevent inflammation of the brain cells.

Healthy life is amazingly able to protect our brain. Dr call this brain protector is the “shield.”

We can reduce up to 60% risk of inflammation that can cause the Alzheimer's disease through healthy lifestyle.

Dr. Natalia Azar in an interview introduce acronym of the brain protector.

Image 2- Autumn trees, illustration

# Important postings:

Image 3- A little library, just for illustration

The Acronym is:



Handle stress





What are the explanations for acronym?

# To be continued to Part 3

## Previous postings:

Friday, 14 October 2022

A Young Red Tail Hawk Caught a Squirrel – Science – 24

I have posted A Red Tail Hawk in Our Neighborhood; you may read the previous post: A Red Tail Hawk in Our Neighborhood – Science – 20

Image 1 – Red tail hawk caught squirrels.

We could see hawk eat a squirrel on the ground at previous post. Now, you see the hawk hold the “victim” and fly to secure places (Images 1 and 2) somewhere on the branch of tree.

A Red Tail Hawk will perch in a tree, usually a big and old tree, waiting for the perfect opportunity to grab a squirrel and other small animals.

The predator will poke out the eyes so the victim can't run. I know it's nature but We may don't want to see the cruelty.

Image 2- Hawk flying with victim

My neighbors believe that Red Tail Hawk together with other predators are able to control rat population in our neighborhood.

Image 3- A predator sitting on the tree

Some other small critters consumed by Red Tail Hawk in our near by areas, just for examples are:

- reptiles, include snakes
- rabbits
- voles
- frogs and toads

Have you seen this predator in nature?

# Previous postings:

Thursday, 13 October 2022

Using of Cordless Electrostatic Sprayer for Killing Virus - Part 2 – Science 21

You may read previous part (Part 1):

- Using of Cordless Electrostatic Sprayer for Killing Virus - Part 1 – Science 21

Image 1- Cordless sprayer, sold by Amazon 

Hotels have promised to sanitize their rooms and areas to make sure free from SARS-CoV-2.

Much more hotels sanitized their rooms nowadays. Since the pandemic, these hotels include:
- Westin
- Renaissance
- Sheraton
- the Ritz-Carlton

Image 2- Room at Westin Hotel, New Orlean, Pleasant Holidays

Price depends on brand, weight, size and easiness to use. I saw at Amazon price of Cordless sprayer are:

- the cheapest price was US$ 27.88
- medium price US$ 59.95
- the most expensive was US$ 149.98

Image 3- A cat, illustration only

In term of price, the medium price US$ 59.95 was favorite one for customers. It may due to its reasonable price and quality.

They use this machine with standard disinfectants ruled by “the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention” (CDC) and “the World Health Organization.” (WHO).

If you are planning to travel in the near future, hope, you will feel safe to stay in hotels.

# Previous Postings:

Wednesday, 12 October 2022

Are Oak Trees Good for Firewood? - Nature 41

When electric blackout due to winter storms, I know some of my neighbors use woods for heating.

Image 1- Cut woods for free

However, I don’t know how many people use firewood in my neighborhood, city or state.

No state law to regulate cutting tree and using it for firewood as long as the trees belong to individual.

It is prohibited or at least need permission to cut down a tree in the state or federal conservation areas.

Sure, there are local ordinances to protect specific trees.

Image 2- A little tree in public area

Image 3- The commercial firewood

The specific trees to be protected may include:

- historic trees
- heritage trees

An Oak is not included as a protected tree in our state, hence, commonly used as firewood.

Some of our neighbors familiar with woods of red oak, it is because the woods are considered strong, hence, it is believed to produce the best heat.

Do you ever use firewood?

# Previous postings:

The Pagoda Plant or Giant Salvia? -

Many people mistakenly to distinguish between the Pagoda Plant and Giant Salvia. Actually, there are "simple: appearances of both plant...