I know the Hydrangea flowers Blooming in the early Summer through Fall season in my area.
They are growing well and look healthy under Summer sun, and blooming very beautiful.
One source I read from internet (Igor Viznyy, 2022: Do Hydrangeas Like Sun or Shade?) said that whether Hydrangea loves sun or shade depend very much on its species.
Some species loves sunlight at proper length, other species love to live both under sun and shade.
There are about 75 species of Hydrangea all over the world. Some popular Hydrangea are:
- Hydrangea arborescens, incrediball
- Hydrangea serrata, called as tuff stuff
Interestingly, since its categorized as friendly plant, Hydrangea could attract many pollinators which may include bees, butterfly and many other important pollinators.
Do you see Hydrangea flowers in your area? What do you think?
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