Wednesday, 13 April 2022

May Smartphones Lead You Older Quickly? - Part 2 – Health Life 18

You may read previou part (Part 2):

- The Rainbow Before Evening : May Smartphones Lead You Older Quickly? - Part 1 – Health Life 18

Fig 01- Smart phones sold in Walmart

Tech neck also called a “text neck which refer to neck pain due to look down at screen for quite longer.

Tech neck could:

- stress muscles and skin
- then cause pain and stiffness to neck and shoulder.

Pain in the long run may lead to headaches.

Tech neck is wrinkle, pain and headache that make people look older.

Fig 02- Looking down while walking

Fig 03- A cute cat, just for illustration

Another problem with using cell phone too much is “digital dementia.” It is because users depend everything on cell phone, include information.

Then it leads to “the breakdown of cognitive abilities,” where cell phones dependent losses short term memories.

Moreover, If we look down our electronic devices such as smartphones, laptops and tabloids, let’s say more than 4 hours daily, then we may have problems relate to aging.

Finally, how many hours a day that you look down to your cell phone or other electronic devices?

# Previous postings:

Monday, 11 April 2022

When the Georgian Chicken Came to My Kitchen – Part 1 – Food 12

I was excited reading and commenting the Natalia's blog. She just posted the savory chicken recipe that she called Georgian Chicken:

- Georgian Chicken | Lessons in the kitchen (

Fig 01- Chicken breasts.

I had curiosity about this recipe. The name of this chicken recipe was intriguing for me.

I was not alone, one of my blogger friends also wondered about this name, and she asked Natalia: “The name of the chicken was George?”

This chicken recipe is from Georgia, the name of a country. I believe you know where Georgia is.

Yes, Georgia was a former Soviet Union, and became independent as a country in 1991.

Fig 02- Several colors of bell peppers in the grocery

Surely, my friend Valerie does not know this recipe, because this recipe might be not familiar in Georgia where is Valerie from.

Fig 03- Vegetable from backyard, just for illustration

Yes, Valerie was born and raised in Atlanta, Georgia. Here, Georgia is a name of state in the Southern part of USA.

Fig 04- A stalk celery and a tomato.

What is the special from this recipe?

In this recipe, Natalia used white meat chicken (chicken breast) and bunches of vegetables:

- a cup chunk tomatoes
- a bell pepper
- cilantro
- or parsley
- or dill.

# To be continued to Part 2

## Previous postings:

Friday, 8 April 2022

Attractive Yellow Flowers at the Corner – Part 1 – Nature 19

The petals are always attractive, hence It does not matter about their colors. Petals always give a specific vibrant for all of pair of eyes.

This kind of flowers, the stamens are more attractive than the petals.

Fig 01- Xanthostemon chrysanthus with yellow flowers.

The stamens from the base of petals have long extended filaments or threat and have beautiful bright anthers that boldly seduce the:

- birds
- bees
- bugs
- and butterflies.

When looking at the flowers, their appearances remind us to the Myrtle such as Bottle-brush. 

Fig 02- Green at the corner

Fig 03- A little corner with several flowers

Fig 04- Xanthostemon youngii, species with red flowers (credit to Flickr)

Exactly, this species is belong to Myrtle Family (Myrtaceae). This family consists of:

- 150 genus
- 3300 species

There are some other species without yellow colors, quite interesting for me.

They are such as:

- Xanthostemon youngii, the flowers is red.
- Xanthostemon auranticus, yellow threats with reddish petals
- Xanthostemon vertilicus, the flower is white.

# To be continued to Part 2

## Previous postings:

Tuesday, 5 April 2022

How did Alzheimer find out the change in his patient's brain? - Part 2 - Alzheimer's 3

You may read previous posting (Part 1):

- How did Alzheimer find out the change in his patient's brain? - Part 1 - Alzheimer's 3

Fig 01- Example photo brain tissue by using fluorescence micrograph
(Picture from

Nissl discovered what we have known as Endoplasmic Reticulum. In the past this organelle also called Nissl body.

In the lab that coordinated by Dr. Alzheimer, some sources mention Alzheimer team, including H-G Crcutzfeld and A. Jakob.

Based on their (H-G Crcutzfeld and A. Jakob.) finding, we got understanding about mad cow that also called Jab Creutzfeldt-Jakob disease (CJD).

The disease caused by eating bad meat or the meat from the cattle that infected by a certain disease.

Fig 02- Crowd of people

Fig 03- Beans, illustration only

Fig 04- Rose in the yard

Fig 05- People in an event, just for illustration

Another a brilliant person who had been worked in the same lab was Frederic Henry Lewey. He discovered Lewy bodies, then we known as Lewy body dementia.

The common clinical manisfestation for with Lewy body are disturbance in thinking, memory and movement (motor control).

Lewy body dementia (LBD) is a kind of dementia which associated with abnormal deposits of a protein (alpha-synuclein) in the brain.

It is the second most common type of progressive dementia after Alzheimer's disease dementia.

So Dr. Alzheimer found the brain feature of a kind dementia by staining brain tissue of his patient.

# Previous postings:

Friday, 1 April 2022

May Smartphones Lead You Older Quickly? - Part 1 – Health Life 18

As reported by bankmycell (2022) that there are about 6.64 billion smartphones in the world. It is mean around 83.7% people have own smartphones.

Almost every bodies have smartphones.

Fig 01- Tech neck due to look down to mobile phone 
(credit to Dreamtime)

Then, what is relationship between smartphone and health issues or smartphones affect on let’s say aging?

We might know that a lot of factors or combine factors may lead to aging faster. Just for few example are:

- Lack of sleep (normal sleep is 6 to 8 hours a day).
- Smoking
- Drinking
- sunlight
- Sitting more than normal.

Fig 02- Just for illustration

I am quite surprise that mobile phone may cause aging quickly.

Fig 03- Wild flowers, illustration only



Fig 04- A cute sign at neighborhood

Many people use their mobile phone to conduct activities such as:

- Reading and sending messages
- Check their social medias: twitter, face book, blogging
- Internet connecting to search information
- Play game
- Update with news
- Watching TV and Film

If above activities need looking down to mobile phone too long, it would cause what experts call as “tech neck.”

# To be continued to Part 2

## Previous postings:

Saturday, 26 March 2022

Lord of the Ducks in the Garden – Part 2 – Nature 18

You may read the previous post (Part 1):

- Lord of the Ducks in the Garden – Part 1 – Nature 18

Fig 01- A couple swimming at lake side

The ducks and geese and their surround area’s views are good objects to take pictures.

We saw couples of white fowls, look like swan from far distance. We don’t know whether they are swan or not.

But, we sure the lake has a lot of kinds of fowls either managed by state park or just wild intruder fowls.

Fig 02- Artists drawing in front of lake

Fig 03- Two Ducks at lake side

Fig 04- A duck at lake side

Some artists are drawing the ducks swimming in the lake with back ground of trees.

I think that they are painting the following objects:

- Ducks
- trees and leaves colors
- lake
- wild birds

The artists look seriously to play with their brushes to catch wonderful objects and scenery, while the “lord of the ducks” are watching from short distance.

# Previous postings:

Sunday, 20 March 2022

Biscotti and “The Blissful Feast” by Teresa Lust – Part 2 – Reading 9

You may read previous post (Part 1):

- Biscotti and “The Blissful Feast” by Teresa Lust – Part 1 – Reading 9

Fig 01- An Italian food, just for illustration

Italian cookbooks are also easy to find with the great recipes, useful tips, and beautiful photos.

A Blissful Feast: Culinary Adventures in Italy's Piedmont, Maremma, and Le Marche by Teresa Lust, is a beautifully written book about her adventures in Italy.

New cookbooks are sold in almost bookstores, and we may find old edition in the city libraries.

Fig 02- Teresa Lust, a writer, gardener, and cook

Teresa Lust’s grandmother was from Italy, and she grown up in the Italian cultures and Italian cuisines in Washington.

Fig 03- Biscotti recipe photo from “The Blissful Feast”-1

Her palate about her roots of cuisines brought her to a “delicious” journey in Italy.

Fig 04- Biscotti recipe photo from “The Blissful Feast”-2

She stayed with her relatives in the Italian cities of Piedmont, Maremma, and then Le Marche

Fig 05- Just for illustration.

Moreover, she learned about:

- Italian farming
- preparing and cooking
- and serving of Italian foods.

We can find the authentic Italian cuisines in this book and the stories behind those foods.

She also guides us about Italian words and language that used in the Italian culinary and gourmet.

In this page, I share the biscotti recipe (photos) from her book. It is great recipe to try, one batch can make 4 dozen.

# Previous postings:

The Pagoda Plant or Giant Salvia? -

Many people mistakenly to distinguish between the Pagoda Plant and Giant Salvia. Actually, there are "simple: appearances of both plant...