Tuesday, 1 February 2022

The Early Person who Diagnosed with Alzheimer’s Diseases - Part 2 – Alzheimer's 2

He found “dramatic brain shrinkage and abnormal deposits in and around nerve cells.”

Fig 01- Histopathology of Alzheimer's diseases
(Picture from Neuroscience, Purves, et al)

Brain shrinkage and the abnormal deposit in this day are called amyloid plaques and neurofibrillary tangles.

From the picture, the yellow color are neurofibrillary tangles, and brown dark are amyloid plaques.

Specifically, it is in the neocortex, amygdala, and brainstem

The causes of Alzheimer's Disease is not fully understand yet.

Fig 02- Hot sauce, illustration only

Fig 03- Pomegranate, just for illustration

There are three principle features could be detected in every person who severe with the Alzheimer's disease:

1) Collection of intra-neuronal cytoskeletal filaments or neurofibrillary tangles, also we know as aggregate tau protein in the brain.

- tau protein to maintain microtubules steadiness in axons.

2) extracellular deposit of an abnormal amyloid or amyloid plaques.

3) A diffuse loss of neurons.

- The accumulation of neurofibrillary tangles and amyloid plaques lead to death of neuron cells so that the brain became shrinkage.

# Previous postings:

Thursday, 27 January 2022

Reducing Number of Amazon River Pink Dolphin? - Part 1 – Nature 17

I just knew there are pink dolphins when I watched the news about burning of Amazon rain forest years ago.

Pink dolphins look exotic and lovely.

Fig 01- Adolphin jumping out the water
(credit to Ecuador & Galapagos Insiders 2019)

Yes, pink dolphins are categorized as endangered species which live in the main rivers of Amazon.

Forest fires will have scary effect on many animal population there, both land and rivers creatures.

The rivers cover several following countries:

- Brazil
- Peru
- Bolivia
- Venezuela
- Guyana
- Colombia
- Ecuador

Fig 02- Plants in the city garden

Fig 03- Sky at outside my city

Fig 04- Our jogging area, just for illustration

The pink dolphins population in the world were estimated 9,000 only, and killed around by 3,000 per year.

Population mainly in the amazon rivers. Hence, Amazon rain forest fires may reduce population even further.

Yes, we have pink dolphins in a Louisiana river, USA. The dolphin is called as “pinkie.”

The pinkie was spotted first time in the river of Calcasieu, Louisiana by river ship captain, Erik Rue in 2015.

Unfortunately, we don’t know the exact number of dolphin population as of today.

# To be continued to Part 2

## Previous postings:

Saturday, 22 January 2022

Sweet Chocolate Candies and a Yummy Book – Part 2 – Reading 8

Slowly, I am slowing down to chew all those my favorite candies

Fig 01- Other chocolates

The sweetener give me extra calories that I might need them not that much at the moment.

Another words, I am trying to watch my weight by

reducing sugar intake.

Instead of chewing chocolate candies, I am churning chocolate books. I got one of chocolate books.

It does not a cookbook, it is a novel.

A yummy book Chocolate Magic by Zelda Benjamin. This cute book is a kind of light drama, clean romance, and sweet story like a cup of chocolate milk.

Fig 02- Chocolates with brands of Jojo and Brookside

Fig 03- One of groceries to sell chocolates

Fig 04- Lindt chocolates, produced by USA

Moreover, here the summary from the book:

Chloe Brandeau, a magical chocolatier struggles to maintain normalcy in her world that suddenly turned upside down with the inheritance of her aunt's run down apartment building.

When a friend insists that having a man in her life could help, Chloe goes on a series of outrageous dates.

Along comes Ethan Behar, a master of acquisitions with no time for trivial pleasures such as chocolate.

Ethan makes an offer for Chloe's building, but ends up bidding for the one thing not on the market -- Chloe's heart”

Finally, doesn’t you like chocolate?

# Previous postings:

Sunday, 16 January 2022

The Early Person who Diagnosed with Alzheimer’s Diseases - Part 1 – Alzheimer's 2

It's over than one century since a German physician and psychiatrist, Alois Alzheimer, observed his own patient with suffered loss of memory and language ability.

Dr. Alois Alzheimer, a German neurologist
(source: The Neurology Lounge)

She (the patient) also had:

- hallucinations
- delusions
- and cognitive impairment.

She was only 51 year-old and too early to had a dementia, so she was diagnosed as presenile dementia.

The presenile dementia is dementia that happen in early age, before senile age. Senile dementia occurs with patients after 65 years old.

Fig 02- Library sign, hit by car, illustration

Fig 03- Falling tree, illustration only

Dr. Alzheimer identified and described her psychological and behavioral, then when the patient passed away, Dr Alzheimer ask her family to autopsy her brain.

He took her brain to laboratory and did staining to get observation in her nervous system.

Fortunately, at that time the research methods using stain was developed quite well and the result was satisfy.

The staining was able to visualize the nerve cells.

# To be continued to Part 2

Tuesday, 11 January 2022

Take Care of Winter Storm in Early 2022 – Part 2 – Nature 16

You may read previous posting (Part 1):

- Take Care of Winter Storm in Early 2022 – Part 1 – Nature 16

Fig 01- An icy tree in the garden

Impact of a winter storm not only to individual, but also to:

- community
- and even to animals

Thousands of pets wandering, missing from homeowners. Many farming animals are dead, then lead to lost millions of dollars.

High and chilly wind may cause personal injuries, and sometimes deaths. In Texas alone, about 246 death tolls in this year winter storm.

It is often that the storm has strong effect on travel, business and school activities. Hundreds of flights may be canceled.

Fig 02- Cold temperature

House maintenance is expensive during cold season.

Snow and ice could cause on water pressure, sump pump and water temperature, then lead to plumbing problems.

Fig 03- After winter storm, last year

Hypothermia is a condition where our body may become freeze due to lack of blood circulation.

Fig 04- Freezing at the garden

Thus, body has extra worked when exposure to extreme cold by pushing more blood to keep lungs and heartwarming and working properly:

You might know some simple methods to avoid Hypothermia are:

- stay indoor
- wear dry and warm cloths
- cover hands with mittens
- keep head with hats
- cover feet

Take care yourself during extreme temperature of cold storm.

# Previous postings:

Friday, 7 January 2022

Sweet Chocolate Candies and a Yummy Book – Part 1 – Reading 8

I had never missed chocolate candies every after meal. Any kinds of chocolates always stick with me, either one bites or bars.

The most chocolate candy that always in my lunch box is the almond chocolate one bite Hersey's Kisses.

Fig 01- Cover book of Cholate magic.

I love Kisses because of the fancy shape with little chunk almonds.

It said this shape is a teardrop shape, but the way I see seems like the top of baby bottle.

Any way, I always appealing about the smooth of the tips, perfectly cute and nice.

In the photo at below is how the Kisses ' tip should be. Since a couple bags I bought months ago I found almost all tips broken.

Fig 02- Almond chocolates

Fig 03- A chocolate

Even the taste is still the same, but they did not look good, aesthetically disturbance image.

And undesired effects were my taste buds hurt when the crack tips were landing on them.

Sure, it is subjective feeling

I was thinking that the sensory was not in taste buds but in mind only. I just avoided Kisses and grabbed Hersey's Miniatures with many varieties of one bite chocolate flavors in small rectangular shapes.

# To be continued to part 2

## Previous postings:

Tuesday, 4 January 2022

Take Care of Winter Storm in Early 2022 – Part 1 – Nature 16

In the early January of 2022, it was predicted that winter storm will visit several parts of USA:

- Northwest
- Midwest
- South and Mid Atlantic
- DC areas

Fig 01- Icy during last winter storm

One of reasons is a blast of cold and dry air from northern part of America or Arctic region, then move to the south.

In the south, cold and dry air then mix with:

- warm
- and moisture air

The storm could travel hundred miles, and even reach Gulf of Mexico in deep south states.

Fig 02- Ice covered tree’s twigs

Fig 03- Ice on an ornament plant

Temperature is expected to drop to:

- F below zero or around 17 C minus degree
- so much below the freezing point.

The winter storm might result in more than a one feet snow along its path of movements from North to South.

Since winter storm cause temperature dropping and bring snow, and snow could cover many spots, thus very hazardous to walk or drive in this condition.

# To be continued to Part 2

## Previous postings:

A little cutie Bunny at the Corner

 When jogging in the Saturday morning recently, we saw a bunny. She is very s uper friendly critter! Image - A super friendly bunny. We beli...