It's over than one century since a German physician and psychiatrist, Alois Alzheimer, observed his own patient with suffered loss of memory and language ability.
She (the patient) also had:
- delusions
- and cognitive impairment.
She was only 51 year-old and too early to had a dementia, so she was diagnosed as presenile dementia.
The presenile dementia is dementia that happen in early age, before senile age. Senile dementia occurs with patients after 65 years old.
Dr. Alzheimer identified and described her psychological and behavioral, then when the patient passed away, Dr Alzheimer ask her family to autopsy her brain.
He took her brain to laboratory and did staining to get observation in her nervous system.
Fortunately, at that time the research methods using stain was developed quite well and the result was satisfy.
The staining was able to visualize the nerve cells.
# To be continued to Part 2