You may read previous postings (Part 1 and Part 2):
- Could Botulinum Toxin be Turned to Beneficial Substance? - Part 2 – Science 10
As we know botulinum toxic have been identified as Foodborne botulism, Wound botulism, Infant botulism and Inhalation botulism.
1) Food borne botulism.
- The spore can germinate and produce toxin too.
2) Wound botulism
- The open wound infected by the spores or bacteria.
3) Infant botulism.
- It infects the baby under 6 months.
4) Inhalation botulism
# To be continued to Part 4
## Previous postings:
- First Important Step to Know Mental Illness - Healthy Life 5
- Family Saga and Meaning to be a Good Person – Part 1 - Reading 1
- When do Pine Trees of our Neighborhood Produce Nuts? - Nature 9
- Could Positive Thinking Lead to Live Longer? - Healthy Life 6