I'm still excited about botulinum toxin, since I know that botulinum toxin is a potent and deadly substance.
This substance produced by a kind of a rod bacteria that can exist in low or free oxygen, Clostridium botulinum.
Bacteria are very common throughout the world, they could be found in samples or contaminate of:
- soil
- canned foods
- honey
It was many years ago, especially in the under developing countries, the toxin was a killer that hard to overcome.
Clostridium botulinum release toxin that able to kill human.
What are the symptoms of this toxin?
The early of symptoms of this Botulinum lethal toxin could be many, but some of them are:
- weak
- blurry eyes
- and vertigo.
Following by difficult to swallow and speak, also vomiting and diarrhea or constipation.
Then it can radiate to weakness in the neck and arms, and muscle in lower part of body.
# To be continued to Part 2
## Previous postings:
- Why the Moon Has Thousands of Small Aliens? - Part 1 – Science 7