Wednesday, 17 April 2024
Short fast guide to propagation - Science 39
Thursday, 23 November 2023
Should We Install Solar Panels in Our Roof? - Part 2 - Science 38
- The Rainbow Before Evening : Should We Install Solar Panels in Our Roof? - Part 1 - Science 38
Much research showed that housing value could increase by up to 20 times if we have a 5 kW solar system on our roof.
In term of dollar, solar panels could make housing value up to US$ 24,000 in the market. Quite good for investment.
It is estimated that 20 solar panels need roof space of 5 hundreds square feet, then, it would produce 5,000 watts.
However, in Louisiana, let’s say we pay US$ 150 per month for electric bill, we might need solar panels system to produce 9500 watts.
Interestingly, the solar system may last for 25 years. We avoid rising cost of electricity for so long, hence, save thousands of dollars.
Should we install solar panels in our roof?
Thursday, 1 June 2023
Useful of Weeds and Wild Flowers in the yards – Part 2 - Science 36
You may read the previous post (Part 1):
- The Rainbow Before Evening : Useful of Weeds and Wild Flowers in the yards – Part 1 - Science 36
The weather in the last Summer was uncertain: too hot and then flood from heavy rain.
Flowers and my four month avocado tree dried out, I couldn't save it and the fig tree is dying.
Some fruits I have never picked up due to some squirrels and wild birds love to eat them.
Back to my yards, I have planned to clean and clear it form weeds and wild flowers.
But I think back about sustainable environment as Christine mentioned in her posting (Please see at: Important for pollinators).
# To be continued to Part 3
## Previous postings:
- The Rainbow Before Evening : Recreational Fishing in the Louisiana – Part 2 – Nature 13
- The Rainbow Before Evening : Growing Tabasco Peppers in My Yard – Part 2
- The Rainbow Before Evening : Why the Moon Has Thousands of Small Aliens? - Part 1 – Science 7
- The Rainbow Before Evening : Traditional Books versus Electronic Books for Children – Part 1 – Reading 3
Friday, 26 May 2023
Should We Install Solar Panels in Our Roof? - Part 1 - Science 38
Renewable resources for energy such as wind and sun are getting popular in our state, and might be in many states in the USA right now.
There are plenty reasons why people eager to use these resources, one of them is stable prices.
In case of solar energy, our neighbors consider several benefits to install solar panels on their rooftops are:
- additional the tax credit incentive is provided by some states.
- increase housing value
- and saving electricity cost for years
Louisiana state does not give additional tax credit, but provide property tax exemption. Let’s say, we as Louisiana residents will get:
- excluded added value of property tax.
# To be continued to Part 2
## Previous postings:
- The Rainbow Before Evening : Visiting the Oldest French City in Louisiana – Part 1
- The Rainbow Before Evening : Will We Live Longer if We Think Younger? - Healthy Life 14
- The Rainbow Before Evening : Visiting the Oldest French City in Louisiana – Part 2
- The Rainbow Before Evening : Hurricane Ida Hit Our Neighborhood – Nature 11
Wednesday, 24 May 2023
Do you Love Tomatoes? - Science 37
If you love tomatoes, there is good news for you. It is because science proves that tomatoes have several benefits.
Just to let you know, as reported by Marina Savchenko (2021: What Is the Most Popular Fruit in the World? Top 5 Fruits Ranked) that tomato is the most popular fruit in the world. Other 4 most popular fruit are:
- bananas
- oranges and mangoes.
Moreover, based on several scientific journals that tomatoes have at least 4 benefits. What are they?
The 4 four benefits are:
2. Reducing risks of sun damaged skin (Scientific Report)
3. Our body observes iron effectively (Center for Biotechnology)
4. Our wound will be heal faster (International Journal of Surgery)
Do you like to consume tomatoes?
# Previous postings:
- The Rainbow Before Evening : Lobsters have Good Nutritional Values for Health – Healthy Life 13
- The Rainbow Before Evening : One of Ways to Make Barbeque in the Nature – Food 7
- The Rainbow Before Evening : Are Freshwater Pearls Less Expensive? - Part 1
- The Rainbow Before Evening : Are Freshwater Pearls Less Expensive? - Part 2
Monday, 10 April 2023
Useful of Weeds and Wild Flowers in the yards – Part 1 - Science 36
We are in the second week of April. The weather is getting warmer up, may reach up to 86 F (30 C) in our city, Baton Rouge, LA.
It's a good time to work my yard that I left about over a month. Shrubs are growing in some spots and they are surrounding the house.
Normally, in early Spring whenever many kinds of plants spur up with lovely manner show their buds, we just let them growing and flowering.
My reasons are not only to enjoy the amazing views but also to keep small wild flower as the first flower to invite the bold bees and insects to do pollination to my fruit trees.
So, I don't need to catch them or borrow from somewhere. Then, in the Summer, I (my planning) to avoid all weeds and wild flowers by clearing them all.
Then, what happen?
# Previous postings:
- The Rainbow Before Evening : Is Mockingbird a Smart Bird? - Science 32
- The Rainbow Before Evening : Could Parasite Control Human Mind? - Science 33
- The Rainbow Before Evening : How often Should we Consume Blueberries? - Part 2 – Food 35
- The Rainbow Before Evening : Are Bald Eagles not Endangered Species Anymore? - Nature 50
Friday, 31 March 2023
Can We Find Broccoli in the Wild? - Science 35
As reported by Cision PR Newswire (2022: Green Giant® Survey Reveals Broccoli As America's Favorite Vegetable in 2022) that 29 states chose broccoli as the favorite vegetable.
Then followed by “corn, carrots, potatoes and asparagus consecutively. The question: “Can We Find Broccoli in the Wild?” The answer is no. Why?
It is because human have developed this vegetable with breeding process through many years.
Human found the wild cabbage with scientific name Brassica oleracea. Unfortunately this cabbage produces:
- has no good taste and flavor.
Farmers manipulated environment to make wild cabbage reproduce several times in a year.
Luckily, farmers able to select the offspring based on their:
- have very good taste and flavor.
- faster grow
The plant is reproducing, and known as broccoli nowadays. Do you like broccoli tast and flavor?
# Previous postings:
- The Rainbow Before Evening : The Pulmonary Hypertension Type – Part 1 - Cardiovascular 4
- The Rainbow Before Evening : Green Parakeet in Our State – Nature 46
- The Rainbow Before Evening : How often Should we Consume Blueberries? - Part 1 – Food 35
- The Rainbow Before Evening : Million Chickens are Killed in the USA
Wednesday, 15 March 2023
Alligator Plants Grow Well in Louisiana – Science 34
There are several names for a plant with bell shape flowers, one of them is Alligator Plants, and the plant recent scientific name is Kalanchoe daigremontiana.
The plant is native to the island of Madagascar, Africa. Then it separates to other tropical regions.
Alligator Plants have been transported to America, moreover, the plants have adapted easily to several states.
We may find the plants in the states such as:
- Hawaii
- Louisiana and other warmer states.
Even thought some of our neighbors said that the plant is rare, but we have seen Alligator Plants are sold in some markets.
We bought it from a nearby farmer market with reasonable price about a couple years ago.
I think this bell shape flowers plant is easy to grow and maintain. Like other succulents, the plants no need much water, and may live for years.
Have you seen the Alligator plants?
# Previous postings:
- The Rainbow Before Evening : Cooper Hawks Love to Come to Bird Feeders – Nature 44
- The Rainbow Before Evening : What is Brain Plasticity? - Part 2 – Brain Plasticity 1
- The Rainbow Before Evening : Pickle Eggs in the Neighborhood Market – Food 30
- The Rainbow Before Evening : Leprosy is One of the Oldest Ancient Diseases - Part 1 - Healthy Life 27
Sunday, 5 February 2023
Could Parasite Control Human Mind? - Science 33
There are many reports about infection of a parasite to animals and humans in some parts of the world recently.
The parasite is a single cell protozoan with scientific name Toxoplasma gondii. Actually, the parasite is common worldwide, and causes disease called as toxoplasmosis.
What interesting, especially for me that this parasite could alter behaviors of infected living things.
In fact, as reported by Zeleb.es (2023: A mind- controlling parasite that affects hyenas - and humans too) that 33% of human population is infected by this parasite.
Then, we wonder: Could parasite, Toxoplasma gondii controls human’s mind?
The plain answer is not really. Highly possible that the infected animals and humans might eager to take risk than the normal ones.
As suggested by Zeleb.es (2023) that risk takers tend to success as entrepreneurs.
Do you believe it? What do you think?
# Previous postings:
- The Rainbow Before Evening : Is America a Wine Exporting Country? - Part 1
- The Rainbow Before Evening : Swap Plants at Our City Botanical Garden
- The Rainbow Before Evening : Does Red Bell Pepper Contain more Vitamin C than Orange? - Part 2– Food 21
A little cutie Bunny at the Corner
When jogging in the Saturday morning recently, we saw a bunny. She is very s uper friendly critter! Image - A super friendly bunny. We beli...
We have a pear tree full of pear last summer, sometimes, animals in the backyard stealing them before we pick them all. Image 01 - Two pear...
The Passion flowers thrive in sunny areas. If we are lucky, we may find this flower along open areas (woodlands), roadsides and in fields. ...
Our two main plants, Tomatoes and Peppers did great. We harvested some of these vegetables for salads. Image 01 - Grape tomatoes and peppe...