Showing posts with label Cardiovascular. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Cardiovascular. Show all posts

Wednesday, 1 February 2023

The Pulmonary Hypertension Type – Part 2 - Cardiovascular 4

You may read the previous post (Part 1):

- The Rainbow Before Evening : The Pulmonary Hypertension Type – Part 1 - Cardiovascular 4

Image 1- Just for illustration

The signs could be normally enlargement of veins on the side of the neck, irregular heart sounds and swelling in the some areas of body such as abdomen, legs, or feet.

Both asthma and COPD are serious health problems, and asthma is the problem for more than 300 million people worldwide.

The COPD could further cause morbidity and mortality. Both are different diseases but have similarities in term of pathophysiologic characteristics.

Image 2- Blooming of Magnolia

The World Health Organization (WHO) categorized five groups of pulmonary hypertension (please see image 1 at Part 1: The Pulmonary Hypertension Type – Part 1 - Cardiovascular 4).

Image 3- Azalea flowers

The 5 groups are:

1) Pulmonary arterial hypertension
2) Pulmonary hypertension of heart diseases
3) Pulmonary hypertension of lung diseases
4) Pulmonary hypertension of chronic thromboembolism
5) and pulmonary hypertension of unclear multifactorial mechanism.

 Image 4- A little tree, illustration

# Previous postings:

Monday, 2 January 2023

The Pulmonary Hypertension Type – Part 1 - Cardiovascular 4

We talked about hypertension at previous post, and we know hypertension may lead to several serious diseases.

Image 1- The cartoon from “” 
shows the illustration about pulmonary hypertension.

The two previous posts of hypertension:

From above two articles, we understand two types of hypertension, they are “pulmonary artery (pulmonary hypertension) and in aorta (arterial/systemic hypertension).”

Image 2- Foggy in the morning, illustration

Image 3- Fresh fruit, illustration

Pulmonary hypertension is less common. This kind of hypertension is caused by high blood pressure in the lung.

The blood vessel in the lung become stiff, narrow, damage, so that the right side of the heart (the part of heart that pump blood to the lung) hardly to pump the blood into lung. This problem is often misunderstood disease.

Asthma and chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) are the most common causes the pulmonary hypertension.

# To be continued to Part 2

## Previous postings:

Saturday, 27 August 2022

What does Hypertension Mean? - Part 2 – Cardiovascular 3

You may read previous post (Part 1):

- What does Hypertension Mean? - Part 1 – Cardiovascular 3

Image 1- A plant, just for illustration

It can be in pulmonary artery (pulmonary hypertension) or in aorta (arterial/systemic hypertension).

We will discuss in the next coming articles.

In term of level, we call hypertension when blood pressure reaches 140/90 mmHg or even higher.

Quite surprising fact that there is 1 of 3 person gets high blood pressure worldwide.

Image 2- Accessories, illustration.

The hypertension leads to many diseases include kidney diseases, stroke and heart attacks.

Image 3- A factory outlet, illustration

On the other hand, the lower blood pressure the lower risk to get these diseases.

At figure of previous post (part 1): What does Hypertension Mean? - Part 1 – Cardiovascular 3, there are simple ways to prevent hypertension without medication:

+ 1. Healthy diet such as low-fat products, fruit, vegetable and grains
+ 2. Physical activity (doing exercise regularly)
+ 3. Avoiding smoke (cigarette could increase blood pressure immediately)
+ 4. Avoid drinking alcohol; and 5. Managing stress (enjoy and relax).

# Previous postings:

Thursday, 11 August 2022

What does Hypertension Mean? - Part 1 – Cardiovascular 3

Literally the term of hypertension is high blood pressure. Hypertension happens when the force of the blood from the heart through arteries is too strong.

Image 1- High blood pressure worldwide
(Credit to Center for Diseases Control (CDC))

The heart is pumping the blood hardly.

Whenever the heart beats, the blood is pumped from the heart through arteries to the entire of the body.

The rhythm of heartbeat or pump is not always the same. The rhythm is depending on our activities.

What is it mean?

Image 2- Community library, illustration

 Image 3- Books in community library

It is mean that the rhythm is increasing or beating a little faster when someone:

- wake up
- exercise or under stress

This condition is normal but when blood pressure insist to stay high most the time, it might lead to the hypertension.

So, the hypertension is the chronic elevation of pumping blood in arterial blood pressure.

# To be continued to Part 2

## Previous postings:

Thursday, 28 October 2021

The Disease that Kills 28.4 million People – Part 3 - Cardiovascular 2

Fruit in the commercial market, illustration only.

Previous posts (Part 1 and Part 2):

As from Center for Diseases Control and Prevention (CDC, 2021), USA that there are five major symptoms of heart attack.

They include following symptoms:

- chest pain
- pains in the neck, back and jaw.
- feeling very weak
- arms and shoulders are pain
- breaths are shortness.

These five (5) major symptoms of heart attack should be recognized.

if somebody notice these symptoms or might be she/he saw someone else has these symptoms, call 911 immediately.

Ice cream for illustration only.

There are many other symptoms such as:

- dizziness or headaches
- nausea or vomiting
- cold sweats
- heart burn
- fatigue
- exhaustion

# Previous postings:

Sunday, 24 October 2021

The Disease that Kills 28.4 million People – Part 2- Cardiovascular 2

Ornamental plant, for illustration only.

You may read Part 1:

This disease kills over than 17 million people every year, number one cause death in this planet (World Health Organization).

Every other second, this disease takes human life; every time we take breath. When someone stops breathing at all, it is may be caused by cardiovascular disease.

It is a kind of an alarm that everybody needs to care about. Knowing their risk factors will be helpful for prevention.

While some people have no symptoms about heart disease that lead to the “silent killer” but some signs can be recognized so that the fatality could be reduced.

If somebody notice these symptoms or might be she/he saw someone else has these symptoms, call 911 immediately.

Old chair, just for illustration.

CDC works with public health to improve cardiovascular health through their strategies and policies such as healthy lifestyles and healthy environments and communities.

Million Hearts® 2022 that aims in preventing 1 million heart attacks and strokes that will save one million lives in 5 years.

# To be continued to Part 3

## Previous postings:

Wednesday, 20 October 2021

The Disease that Kills 28.4 million People – Part 1- Cardiovascular 2

Signs of heart attacks, Credit to CDC

I stared at my paper work in my hand, I opened it, there is in the first page: Cardiovascular disease is any disease that involves:

- the heart
- the blood vessels
- disability effects
- and the most causing of death in the US.

This disease kills about 630,000 people every year in only the United State, and there are 28.4 million of adults are identified having heart disease (Center for Disease Control and Prevention, 2018).

Many action plans and strategies based on etiology and risk factors to prevent these diseases.

The researchers are also going on to reveal the ways that could protect and prevent the heart from any injuries and damages that lead to cardiovascular diseases.

The tree falls due to hurricane Ida, illustration.

Cardiovascular disease is not only attack and cause death in the US, but also the world's number one killer.

# To be continued to Part 2

## Previous postings:

Tuesday, 15 December 2020

Nobody Can Replace a Mama's Love – Cardiovascular - Part 2

Red flower beside my office.

She and I love the things related to the fishes, we spent sometimes either fishing or visiting any fisheries in our county.

So we have the same idea that the Underwater World Singapore was the best and closest place to introduce many species, sizes, hues, and behaviors of fishes to our kids.

Each of us was so busy at work and taking care kids, but we kept in touch via social media where we used to support each other. Suddenly, bad news hit my nerves.

It was un-acceptable...she was so young, agile, and always excited about her kids and her life. She passed away in doing her duty as a civil servant.

It was so sad and so sudden. I was very much down to think about the kids, three of them (3, 5, and 7) always stick to her, they need her. Nobody can replace a mama's love for them.

A wonderful red flower

It was a heartbreaking to imagine how her kids' feeling about losing their mama. Can they understand that their mama had never ever among them again...Oh nooo!!!!! The cause her death was very brutal.

Two years later a boy that sit among us in the class also suddenly passed away, and the other one was last year he also passed away suddenly in his duty visitation.

I stared at my paper work in my hand, I opened, there is in the first page:

Cardiovascular disease is any disease that involves the heart and blood vessels and the most causing of death and disability effects in the US.

This disease kills about 630,000 people every year in only the United State, and there are 28.4 million of adults are identified having heart disease (Center for Disease Control and Prevention, 2018).

Many action plans and strategies based on etiology and risk factors to prevent these diseases. The researchers are also going on to reveal the ways that could protect and prevent the heart from any injuries and damages that lead to cardiovascular diseases.

Sunday, 13 December 2020

Nobody Can Replace a Mama's Love – Cardiovascular - Part 1

An autumn color's tree

Summer is over, and I need to reorganize my “study room” before Fall Semester get started. An orange storage bin in the corner of room attracted my sight.

It was a pumpkin color bin for all my papers, notes, and text books of Cardiovascular Anatomy and Physiology and my research paper about Cardio-myocyte.

I was holding my research report. It brought me to the time when I was high school, once a month I and whole my classmates run circling stadium for physical Science class.

Now I lost three of them. They were my classmates, and one of them was a special person for me.

I know her since we were fifteen-year-old at the first day freshman in the high school. We did our school assignments and projects together.

We grow together. We spent the most our time in the school and after school activities, and the friendship get along till we got a job and married.

Creation of a Christmas tree.

Then, I had moved out from our town for some reasons.

The last time I met her was in her office lobby, I saw her get out from her room walked toward me with her beautiful smile, gave me her warmest hug, and asked me about my new place.

I still remember her happy face, happy life, and happy marriage with her adorable kids, and she was so excited to let me know that she, her husband, and kids were going spend a week vacation in Singapore.

A little cutie Bunny at the Corner

 When jogging in the Saturday morning recently, we saw a bunny. She is very s uper friendly critter! Image - A super friendly bunny. We beli...