Saturday, 8 February 2025

Harvest of Early 2025 - Food 48

 Our two main plants, Tomatoes and Peppers did great. We harvested some of these vegetables for salads. 

Image 01 - Grape tomatoes and peppers

The tastes are delicious and juicy. Some people like them added to a spinach leaf and grilled chicken salad.

There are probably still about 100 tomato and some peppers blossoms in our garden, ready to be picked up in second terms. Some neighbors grow okra, herbs, basils, tangerine, satsuma and Myers lemon. Others discouraged to plant anything due to:
- squirrels
- voles
- and other vermin

Image 02 - Okra, fresh ones.

We believe a cat could deter squirrels to enter our yard. However, Cayote could attack cats or other small pets.

Image 03 - Tabasco peppers

How do you like yours?

# Previous postings:


  1. Variopintas ensaladas nos presentas, para ese asado que se intuye muy apetecible.
    Un abrazo

  2. The colours just look so good. Must be healthy

  3. We have no squirrels here... I can have almost what I want in my garden...The weather decide for us ;)
    Have a nice day !

    1. great to have a garden on your property.....

      Thank you-
      Harvest of Early 2025 - Food 48
      Our two main plants, Tomatoes and Peppers did great. We harvested some of these vegetables for salads.

  4. Toda una huerta nos regalas y esas ardillas son preciosas . Un besote y feliz domingo.

  5. Feliz domingo, un bonito post.
    Las ardillas son muy lindas y toda una gama de huerta, bien rico todo.

  6. Sabrosa cosecha!
    Un problema eso de que algunos animales las echen a perder.

    1. Thank you-
      Harvest of Early 2025 - Food 48
      Our two main plants, Tomatoes and Peppers did great. We harvested some of these vegetables for salads.

  7. Las ensaladas no faltan al plato con carnes. Un abrazo. Carlos

    1. Thank you-
      Harvest of Early 2025 - Food 48
      Our two main plants, Tomatoes and Peppers did great. We harvested some of these vegetables for salads.

  8. Your garden sounds wonderful! Grape tomatoes and peppers are such a treat, especially when they're homegrown. I can almost imagine the freshness in that salad with grilled chicken! It's exciting that you have so many blossoms still waiting to mature. It's a shame about the challenges with squirrels, voles, and other pests though. It’s always a delicate balance when it comes to keeping them at bay, especially with the risk of larger animals like coyotes. Maybe a little extra deterrent, like natural repellents or even garden netting, could help protect your plants. But, with your great harvest already, it sounds like you're doing an amazing job!

    1. yes, great harvest for this year ...

      Thank you-
      Harvest of Early 2025 - Food 48

  9. He knows well what we grow, it is something that is liked and valued.
    Happy week.

    1. Thank you-
      Harvest of Early 2025 - Food 48
      Our two main plants, Tomatoes and Peppers did great. We harvested some of these vegetables for salads.

  10. Healthy food indeed. We love to cook this. It's Monday afternoon, my time to write comments. And I'm looking forward to another week of wonderful posts for MosaicMonday.

    Thank you so much for your participation, dear blog friend ... interesting to read!
    Greetings from Heidrun

  11. Lindos tomates y pimientos. Genial cosecha. Te deseo una genial semana.

    1. Thank you-
      Harvest of Early 2025 - Food 48
      Our two main plants, Tomatoes and Peppers did great. We harvested some of these vegetables for salads.

  12. Uma colheita maravilhosa minha mãe adora quiabos bjs.

  13. Your harvest looks absolutely wonderful. It must be delicious.

    1. Thank you-
      Harvest of Early 2025 - Food 48
      Our two main plants, Tomatoes and Peppers did great. We harvested some of these vegetables for salads.

  14. Oh wow... look at your harvest!

    1. little bit ....

      Thank you-
      Harvest of Early 2025 - Food 48

  15. It's wonderful to have fresh, organic vegetables for salads...
    I also really like lettuce. 🥬🌶️🥒🍋🍅🥑
    Have a sweet and happy weekend.

    1. fresh and fun ...

      Thank you-
      Harvest of Early 2025 - Food 48
      Our two main plants, Tomatoes and Peppers did great. We harvested some of these vegetables for salads.

  16. Confirmo, de facto, que se tratam de produtos hortícolas indispensáveis na nossa alimentação.
    Abraço de amizade.
    Juvenal Nunes

  17. Your harvest looks amazing!
    Those tomatoes and peppers are perfect for salads. 😋

    1. once a year only .....

      Thank you-
      Harvest of Early 2025 - Food 48
      Our two main plants, Tomatoes and Peppers did great. We harvested some of these vegetables for salads.

  18. Boa noite, amiga
    Interessante post aqui partilhas.
    Legumes e frutos muito saudáveis para a saúde sem dúvida.
    Deixo os votos de uma feliz semana, com tudo de bom.

    Mário Margaride

  19. Great harvest, all look delicious! Take care, have a wonderful day!

  20. This colors! It looks delicious. But I´m to ill with my bones to plant this in our garden. Though I enjoy this here very much.

    It's Monday afternoon, it's raining outside and therefore it's a good idea to write comments...

    Impressive pictures and informative to read. I was very happy to accompany you again, dear blog friend. Thank you very much for your wonderful contribution to MosaicMonday.
    Have a nice time! Greetings from Heidrun


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