Saturday, 28 December 2024

Hand Painting on the Glass - Art 15

 Transforming glass with hand-painted designs is a charming and imaginative method to add a personal touch.

Image 01 - Flamingo on the glassware

Painting could be on the surfaces of:
- windows
- and or decorative items.

Moreover, Christmas is a time to shop include hand painted of Santa on plates, mugs or bar wares.

There are many local artists offer their services around our areas (neighborhood). Designs can be personalized. 

Image 02 - Santa on the plate

Young generation who wants to be artists of hand painting o the glass in our city, Baton Rouge may start their learning from basics to professional at studio such as:
- Painting and Pinot
- Creative studio.

Image 03 - Several critters

Do you like this kind of art works?

# Previous postings:

Friday, 20 December 2024

The Beautiful Bright Green Luna Moth - Nature 148

We saw a beautiful bright green critter it is called the bright green Luna moth. The grub making its way through our yard.

Image 01 - A Luna moth.

The moths look adorable, and their population might be observed in many parts of the USA, and even beyond.

These moths with scientific name, Actias luna, are living in the jungle and bushes. They search foods and mating at night.

Their tails have adaptation to avoid predators such as birds and bat. We have plenty of these predators in our neighborhood.

Image 02 - A caterpillar stage of a Luna Moth.

Apparently, they don't live too long (a single week once emerging from cocoon).

Have you seen Bright Green Luna Moth in Nature?

# Previous postings:

Saturday, 14 December 2024

Recognizing Faces and Ramachandran Case – Part 1 - Alzheimer's 16

First of all, I would like you know how I admire teachers. Have you imagined, how smart are they?

Image - Recognizing faces (Illustration: Jade Brady Art)

They able to remember the whole student's names and faces in the class after two meetings.

Remembering a new face is a challenge. Sometimes depend on the first impression.

How about the loved ones? Sure, we recognize them instantly.

According to recognize faces, last week posting (Alzheimer's 15) about a wife who severe with Capgras delusion.

She believes that her husband was another person who is pretending to be her husband.

What the cause of this delusion?

# To be continued to Part 2

## Previous postings:

Friday, 6 December 2024

The Velvet Black and Blue Swallowtail - Nature 147

We had a butterfly visit to our backyard regularly, really pretty. That is the Velvet Black and Blue Swallowtail.

Image 01 - The butterfly with beautiful spots. 

Beautiful coloration with the velvet black and blue on upper side, and the orange spots on underneath.

It is difficult to get a good shot on upper side, since they love to flap their wings while sipping nectar.

The Velvet Black and Blue Swallowtail refers to the Pipevine Swallowtail, with its scientific name, Battus philenor.

The butterfly is found in North America to Central America, including in our neighborhood, Baton Rouge, Louisiana.

Image 02 - The butterfly flies over plants.

Have you seen this butterfly in your neighborhood?

# Previous postings:

A little cutie Bunny at the Corner

 When jogging in the Saturday morning recently, we saw a bunny. She is very s uper friendly critter! Image - A super friendly bunny. We beli...