Saturday, 26 October 2024

A coyote Carrying a Cat at Neighborhood - Nature 142

We just saw a coyote carrying a cat in our neighborhood sometimes. He was heading in the direction of nearby "very tiny forest."

Image - A coyote carrying a pet.

Lots of subdivisions popping up everywhere, around our city. The wild predators have no place to go anymore!

They are hungry and looking for food.

Moreover, yes, many our neighbors saw the wild predators in the daylight walking down our street. it happens all the time

Sadly, if some neighbors let their cats or small pets outside, they can get ate from wild animals (coyote or fox), hit by cars and even catch diseases.

What wondering us (We want to know) why wildlife and fisheries cannot trap them and move them to secure places (forests)?

What do you think?

# Previous postings:


  1. Subdivisions ruin quality of life

  2. It usually happens due to the lack of food, the place we inhabit from time to time are the wild boars who come down to look for the deer, fallow deer and other animals of that natural park
    Best regards

  3. Si ellos no tiene comida en su hábitat, no les toca más que bajar a la ciudad donde el humano vive y saben que pueden alimentarse. Un abrazo.

  4. Indudablemente se les puede acercarlos a un hábitat familiar, ya que sus predios naturales han sido objeto de las urbanizaciones. Un abrazo. Carlos

    1. Thank you-
      A coyote Carrying a Cat at Neighborhood - Nature 142
      We just saw a coyote carrying a cat in our neighborhood sometimes. He was heading in the direction of nearby "very tiny forest."

  5. Poor cat! So sorry to see this

  6. Pobrecito coyote. Te mando un beso.

  7. Y pobre gatito la culpa es de los humanos. Te mando un beso.

    1. Thank you-
      A coyote Carrying a Cat at Neighborhood - Nature 142

  8. Há que ter cuidado com os coiotes. São igualmente perigosos para os humanos.
    Excelente partilha, estimada amiga.
    Deixo os meus votos de feliz semana!

    1. Thank you-
      A coyote Carrying a Cat at Neighborhood - Nature 142
      We just saw a coyote carrying a cat in our neighborhood sometimes. He was heading in the direction of nearby "very tiny forest."

  9. It is not pleasant to have predators prowling the urban areas ...
    I feel your faults in my 'A Vivenciar'!
    Have a mild and pleasant week.

    1. Thank you-
      A coyote Carrying a Cat at Neighborhood - Nature 142

  10. Replies
    1. Thank you-
      A coyote Carrying a Cat at Neighborhood - Nature 142
      We just saw a coyote carrying a cat in our neighborhood sometimes. He was heading in the direction of nearby "very tiny forest."

  11. Querida amiga, pobre gatito, el cambio climático, la invasión a sus hábitats hacen que ellos emigren a otras zonas en busca de alimentos.
    La culpa es del humano por invadirlos.
    Abrazos y te dejo un besito, que tengas un feliz día

    1. Thank you-
      A coyote Carrying a Cat at Neighborhood - Nature 142

  12. Encouraging neighbors to be mindful and take responsible steps could help both people and wildlife coexist. It's definitely a challenge that requires community awareness and thoughtful solutions!

    Happy Tuesday. Please check out my new post:

    1. Thank you-
      A coyote Carrying a Cat at Neighborhood - Nature 142
      We just saw a coyote carrying a cat in our neighborhood sometimes. He was heading in the direction of nearby "very tiny forest."

  13. That’s so sad! With all the new development, animals like coyotes are running out of space and getting desperate for food. Relocating them isn’t always easy since they might come back or struggle in new areas. It’s really important to keep pets indoors or watch them closely outside to keep them safe. Hopefully, wildlife officials will step up soon, but in the meantime, we can try to make small changes to avoid attracting them. Stay safe!

    1. some suggested to relocate them to "real forest"......

      Thank you-
      A coyote Carrying a Cat at Neighborhood - Nature 142

  14. That is very sad for this cat. But its not there because i read that this happen also in another places more often. But because more and more habitats of animals are being made to disappear then it is not surprising that wild animals come more to the inhabited world because they know that there is also food for them. For example, here in NL we now have a lot of trouble with wolves and they also sometimes catch dogs that are walking with their owners in the forest. There were even ones that had attacked a child. And that is not a good sign at all. In the past you could leave pets outside or let them run loose, but now you have to leave them inside or on a leash.

    1. sadly.... it happen everywhere, even in the Netherland....

      Thank you-
      A coyote Carrying a Cat at Neighborhood - Nature 142
      We just saw a coyote carrying a cat in our neighborhood sometimes. He was heading in the direction of nearby "very tiny forest."

  15. Replies
    1. Thank you-
      A coyote Carrying a Cat at Neighborhood - Nature 142

  16. Querida amiga paso a desearte un precioso dia.
    Abrazos y te dejo un besito.

    1. Thank you-
      A coyote Carrying a Cat at Neighborhood - Nature 142
      We just saw a coyote carrying a cat in our neighborhood sometimes. He was heading in the direction of nearby "very tiny forest."

  17. This is so sad. Neighbors should not let their pets out alone during this time.

    1. Thank you-
      A coyote Carrying a Cat at Neighborhood - Nature 142
      We just saw a coyote carrying a cat in our neighborhood sometimes. He was heading in the direction of nearby "very tiny forest."

  18. É muito importante manter os animais domésticos, os pets, dentro de casa e com atenção redobrada perante eles.

    1. Thank you-
      A coyote Carrying a Cat at Neighborhood - Nature 142

  19. That's very scary. I hope the authorities will try to get this wild animal back into the wild!

    1. Thank you-
      A coyote Carrying a Cat at Neighborhood - Nature 142
      We just saw a coyote carrying a cat in our neighborhood sometimes. He was heading in the direction of nearby "very tiny forest."

  20. Replies
    1. Thank you-
      A coyote Carrying a Cat at Neighborhood - Nature 142

  21. Hello,
    That is a sad sight to see! Some pets are not safe to be left outside.
    Thank you for linking up and sharing your post. Take care, enjoy your day and have a great new week!

    1. very sad....

      Thank you-
      A coyote Carrying a Cat at Neighborhood - Nature 142

  22. It is an unfortunate part of urban living. The wild critters being forced out. We have mobs of kangaroos on the edges of our urban areas that are being forced to move on, or are run over by traffic. And I know of people who have had their chickens taken by foxes. Enjoy your week, have a lovely festive season and a fabulous 2025. I am joining you at Mosaic Monday.

  23. Yes, I know what you mean and I agree. It's sad for the animals, for each creature around the world.
    Thank you for sharing at MosaicMonday


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