Friday, 2 August 2024

The Canning Pear Tree with Fruits in Neighborhood - Nature 137

 Few of our neighbors have canning pear trees in their front yards. We saw plenty of fruit hanging from the trees this morning.

Image 01 - The Pear tree with fruit in neighborhood.

Yes, we as neighbors or anyone else may pick this fruit "as many as we want" for free or with no cost. 

Some people like to eat pears raw just as you would consume an apple. They are very good.

In addition to eat raw, we love to make:
- jam
- pie
- and preserves

Image 02 - Pear fruits, sold in Walmart

# Previous postings:


  1. Replies
    1. tasty fruit.....

      Thank you-
      The Canning Pear Tree with Fruits in Neighborhood - Nature 137
      Few of our neighbors have canning pear trees in their front yards. We saw plenty of fruit hanging from the trees this morning.

  2. Nice to have generous neighbors with good pears...
    Have a nice weekend !

    1. Thank you-
      The Canning Pear Tree with Fruits in Neighborhood - Nature 137

  3. No hay nada más gratificante para el caminante (que así lo siente) que el encontrarse con un árbol frutal, al que poder disfrutar de ese bien natural que produce (con mesura y equilibrio).
    Un abrazo

  4. Replies
    1. Thank you-
      The Canning Pear Tree with Fruits in Neighborhood - Nature 137
      Few of our neighbors have canning pear trees in their front yards. We saw plenty of fruit hanging from the trees this morning.

  5. Therasia Fraire3 August 2024 at 11:52

    Foi-me diagnosticado o vírus do herpes no ano de 2010, pelo que a minha vida ficou devastada, já não faço ideia do que poderia fazer da minha vida até que me deparei com uma velha amiga minha, a Tiffany, com quem estudámos juntos nessa altura na faculdade, era afro-americana. expliquem-lhe o meu atual estado de saúde, ela riu-se e disse que não é um problema porque conhece um fitoterapeuta tradicional africano que me vai curar completamente com um fitoterápico. deu o endereço de e-mail do fitoterapeuta O Dr Jekawo respondeu ao meu e-mail e eu fiquei muito feliz e ele explicou como seria o tratamento durante 25 dias, concordei que paguei a taxa de preparação dos medicamentos à base de plantas e recebi o produto fitoterápico poucas semanas após a preparação dos medicamentos fitoterápicos, tomo o fitoterápico de acordo com as instruções devo confessar que o Dr. Jekawo é um ótimo fitoterapeuta tradicional faço um teste rápido fiquei completamente curado por isso recomendo à minha mãe que sofre de demência e ao meu marido que sofre cancro da próstata também foi curado pelo Dr. Jekawo. Quero utilizar esta plataforma para lhe agradecer muito e também recomendá-lo a qualquer pessoa que sofra de herpes, cancro, mioma, aumento do pénis, disfunção eréctil, infecção da próstata, parkinson, gonorreia, hiv, clamídia, hpv, hepatite, feitiço de amor fazer com que o seu ex ou o seu amante o amem mais, e tantas doenças que o Dr. Jekawo pode curar com o seu conhecimento ancestral de ervas está para além da minha imaginação.

  6. Maravillosa naturaleza!! Buen post, un abrazo

  7. Olá amiga
    É um fruto que muito gosto, a Pera.
    Gostei deste post, muito útil sem dúvida.

    Votos de feliz semana!

    Mário Margaride

    1. Thank you-
      The Canning Pear Tree with Fruits in Neighborhood - Nature 137

  8. A nicely wrapped tree.
    Raw pears are good.

  9. Questo albero è davvero ricco di frutti, chissà che bontà. Non ho mai assaggiato le marmellate o le confetture di pere, di solito le mangio crude.
    Un abbraccio 😘

    1. Thank you-
      The Canning Pear Tree with Fruits in Neighborhood - Nature 137
      Few of our neighbors have canning pear trees in their front yards. We saw plenty of fruit hanging from the trees this morning.

  10. It's wonderful to see such generosity in your neighborhood, allowing everyone to enjoy the bounty of the canning pear trees.
    What a great community!

    1. Thank you-
      The Canning Pear Tree with Fruits in Neighborhood - Nature 137

  11. This is so neat. Finding a neighbor willing to share free fruit is such a huge blessing. Everything tastes so much better when it is fresh picked!!

    1. Thank you-
      The Canning Pear Tree with Fruits in Neighborhood - Nature 137
      Few of our neighbors have canning pear trees in their front yards. We saw plenty of fruit hanging from the trees this morning.

  12. Thanks for the nice comment.
    I wish you a nice weekend.

    1. Thank you-
      The Canning Pear Tree with Fruits in Neighborhood - Nature 137

  13. Your post is wonderful! The pear trees in your neighborhood sound like a fantastic resource, and it’s great to hear you’re making such delicious things with the fruit. I just posted a new blog post [] and I invite you to read and let me know what you think about it. Thank you!

    1. yes, right.....

      Thank you-
      The Canning Pear Tree with Fruits in Neighborhood - Nature 137
      Few of our neighbors have canning pear trees in their front yards. We saw plenty of fruit hanging from the trees this morning.

  14. It's very nice of the neighbors that you can pick pears for free. And I sometimes make a pear pie though I have to buy them. Wish you a lovelt weekend from the Netherlands, Tine

    1. we may pick fruit around neighborhood with no cost...

      Thank you-
      The Canning Pear Tree with Fruits in Neighborhood - Nature 137

  15. They are delicious when baked in the microwaves...
    It's very hot in the south of Portugal... I don't feel like computers...
    You didn't participate in 'Saturday critters'...
    Have a great summer. 🍃🌸🌺🏵️🍃

    1. love it...

      Thank you-
      The Canning Pear Tree with Fruits in Neighborhood - Nature 137
      Few of our neighbors have canning pear trees in their front yards. We saw plenty of fruit hanging from the trees this morning.

  16. Não sabia que as pereiras dos quintais dos vizinhos eram propriedade de todos.
    Abraço de amizade.
    Juvenal Nunes

    1. Thank you-
      The Canning Pear Tree with Fruits in Neighborhood - Nature 137

  17. De las frutas que consumo, la pera. La degusto con gran deleite. Un abrazo. Carlos

    1. Thank you-
      The Canning Pear Tree with Fruits in Neighborhood - Nature 137
      Few of our neighbors have canning pear trees in their front yards. We saw plenty of fruit hanging from the trees this morning.

  18. That is so awesome. Great community. I love pears.

    1. Thank you-
      The Canning Pear Tree with Fruits in Neighborhood - Nature 137

  19. Querida amiga, me encantan las peras, bien jugosa, que lindo tener ese árbol y poder compartirlo.
    Si yo pasara por ahí seguro me llevo una para comerla mientras camino.
    Abrazos y besitos linda

    1. Thank you-
      The Canning Pear Tree with Fruits in Neighborhood - Nature 137
      Few of our neighbors have canning pear trees in their front yards. We saw plenty of fruit hanging from the trees this morning.

  20. Generosidade da natureza e o espírito de comunidade ao compartilhar os frutos das pereiras que abundam nos quintais dos vizinhos. Além de destacar a versatilidade das peras, que podem ser consumidas cruas ou transformadas em delícias caseiras como geléia, torta e conserva, o trecho também evoca um sentimento de simplicidade e valorização das coisas boas que estão ao nosso alcance, sem custo algum. É uma reflexão sobre a beleza da partilha e o prazer das coisas simples.


    1. Thank you-
      The Canning Pear Tree with Fruits in Neighborhood - Nature 137

  21. I like eating pears. A pear tart would be yummy! Take care, enjoy your day!

  22. Thank you-
    The Canning Pear Tree with Fruits in Neighborhood - Nature 137

  23. Maravilloso vecindario.
    Muy ricas las peras.

  24. Thank you-
    The Canning Pear Tree with Fruits in Neighborhood - Nature 137


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