Sunday, 28 April 2024

Capgras Delusion and Alzheimer’s Disease - Part 1 - Alzheimer’s 15

 She was about eighties. A wife of a veteran. Indeed, we just commemorated Veteran Day. The deep thought for all of our veterans, hoping they have meaningful day.

Image 01 - Illustration of Capgras delusion (Copy from Google)

About the lady, I have never ever forgotten how depressing she was.

She sat in her chair next to her husband when we had a casual conversation. She
slowly got up from her chair. She walked down the hall into her bedroom. Perhaps
she would like to use bathroom or just fix her hair.

She did not come back yet and we were about to leave. So, we looked into her room and she seemed made the bed. 

She tried to fix her tidy bed stared at the bed and she said, “This bed, look at this bed, we had a lot memories here.”

Image 02 - A house in the village.

# Important postings:

Image 03 - A tent, just illustration

She sobbed, “We shared our life here, but I have never known where he is now.”
She sobbed, her shoulder up and down, her face looked very desperate. Then she
walked to the door, stared outside through the glass window, “I don't know how he is now.”

Her daughter took her back to her chair next to her husband. She still sobbed.

Image 04 - A painting by kid, illustration

## To be continued to part 2

### Previous postings:

Sunday, 21 April 2024

The Squirrel with two-toned fur - Nature 132

We have two previous postings about squirrels: a little squirrel in her nest and four weeks old baby squirrel. 

Image 01 - A squirrel with two tones.

You may read the two previous postings:

Based on internet sources, the squirrels with two toned furs are in good health, and there's no cause for alarm.

If you come across squirrels sporting two-toned furs in any places (parks or gardens), these bicolored squirrels can enjoy just as lengthy and robust lives as their monochromatic counterparts.

Image 02 - A two-toned fur, just playing. 

# Important postings:

Image 03 - A brown squirrel.

At least there are 3 possibilities of squirrels with two-tones:
1) Mismarking
It’s not uncommon to see squirrels with a patch of fur that differs in color from the rest of their coat. Mismarking can result from various factors, such as genetics, injury, or illness.

2) Parasites
Occasionally, mites or fungal infections can lead to patchy fur loss in squirrels, resulting in a dual-colored appearance.

3) Piebald
Piebald squirrels exhibit a rare genetic trait resulting in patches of pigmentation loss. These squirrels can display various color combinations, although gray and black fur is the most frequent occurrence.

Image 04 - A squirrel, playing on the grass.

## Previous postings:

Wednesday, 17 April 2024

Short fast guide to propagation - Science 39

Plant propagation involves creating new plants from a single parent plant. Various methods can be used for propagating plants.

Image 01 - Plants, ready to be propagated. 

Here the short fast guide: find a tree that can propagate. Trim up unwanted branches or in our case was the mulberry. Cut branches or twigs to a preferred length.

The larger the branch the slower it is to root typically but depending on tree a bigger branch may save a few years of growth.

Optional: put a root stimulant on the bottom before you put it into dirt but I haven’t had much more success using it or notice much difference so do what you will with the info, also can mix root stimulant into water and let the branches soak in it for awhile or apply the stimulant to the dirt.

Image 02 - The Mulberry with fruit.

# Important postings:

Image 03 - Flowers, illustration

Last steps are put sticks into dirt below a node of the plant and water regularly, we will shove 20+ sticks into a pot and separate the ones that root from the ones that die out.

Image 04 - The trimmed leaves. 

Cutting them at a slanted angle gives more surface area from where a root can grow from. At most we should leave one small top leaf

The crape myrtles have to be trimmed differently than regular trees, pretty much cut off any crossing branches but not cutting branches shorter if that makes any sense.

Image 05 - Sticks, ready to be treated.

Good luck.

## Previous postings:


Saturday, 13 April 2024

The Bees Pollinating Morning Glory Flowers - Nature 131

Morning glory is a common plant seen in our areas. Interestingly, the flowers attract many pollinators. 

Fig 01 - A bee pollinating a flower.

Since the blossoms are rich in sweet nectar and brightly flowers colors, make bees attract to come to Morning Glory plant. 

Other various pollinators include:
- butterflies
- hummingbirds
- and many insects

Flowers with trumped-shaped are perfect for pollination. As the pollinators dive for a sugary reward, it helps the flower reproduce by picking up pollen. 

Fig 02 - A bee picking up pollen.

# Important postings:

Fig 03 - A gate to the garden, illustration 

Moreover, as the bees fly to different morning glory flowers, they transfer pollen, leading to fertilizing the flowers and allowing them to produce seeds.

Fig 04 - The bee just landing.

Do you know about Morning Glory Flowers?

## Previous postings:


Saturday, 6 April 2024

Have you Tried Cactus Fruit? - Food 44

We just know and quite surprise that the cactus plant has fruit when we visit the Mexican store recently. 

Image 01 - Cactus fruit, sold in the market.

I thought the fruit was a pear in terms of form and size. In fact, cactus fruit also called as "a prickly pear."  

The fruits are native to Americas, but many countries around the world have cultivated this kind of cactus.

We believe the "prickly pear" is delicious. Its flesh is sweet and juicy with flavor similar to pear and watermelon. 

The fruit contains nutrients such as vitamin C, fiber, magnesium, potassium and antioxidants.

Image 02 - The price of Cactus fruit. 

# Important posting

Image 03 - Pink roses, illustration

We may find several colors of fruits that are:
- green
- yellow
- red
- orange
- or purple  

Image 04 - The color is not green.

I think this prickly pear is good option if we want to taste a new and interesting fruit.  

Image 05 - Ripe fruits, ready to be consumed.

Have you known about this fruit?

## Previous postings:


A little cutie Bunny at the Corner

 When jogging in the Saturday morning recently, we saw a bunny. She is very s uper friendly critter! Image - A super friendly bunny. We beli...