Friday, 9 February 2024

The Interesting Plant at Neighborhood - Nature 122

When we saw first time, we thought the plant is a kind of citrus trees. After looking in details, the plant has no characters of citrus trees. 

Image 01 - Plant with lemon-like fruit

Citrus trees such as orange, lemon and lime have similar characters or appearances that they have:
- thorns to deter herbivores
- fragrance and beautiful flowers to attract pollinators (bees and butterfly). 

Helping by GoogleID and Gemini (Google AI Chatboot), the plant was identified with common names as:
- day cestrum
- night blooming jasmine. 

Image 02 - Edible citrus plant, just comparison.

# Important postings:

Image 03 - Tangerine, just comparison.

This plant has a scientific name as Cestrum sp, native to Caribbean and Central America, hence it grows well in warm state like Louisiana.

Image 04 - Cestrum with yellow fruit.

Have you recognized this plant?

## Previous postings:


  1. Never seen it before...
    Have a shinny weekend !

  2. Buen fin de semana.
    Los árboles cítricos son muy bellos, aparte desprenden un lindo aroma. Un abrazo.

  3. I thought it was an other yellow plant and than the beautiful yellow button of the Golden button (Cotula coronopifolia) because I have also seen this once long ago when I was on vacation on the island of texel (nl). Then I did not know what I saw and someone who also walked there said this but yes I can also be wrong. Loved what you shared. And I wish you a nice weekend. And this is also for your readers and your family. Greetings, Tine NL( this time from my other website.😉)

    1. I see.... you might be right....

      Thank you-
      The Interesting Plant at Neighborhood - Nature 122

  4. Son muy bonitas sus flores.
    Feliz semana.

    1. Thank you-
      The Interesting Plant at Neighborhood - Nature 122
      When we saw first time, we thought the plant is a kind of citrus trees. After looking in details, the plant has no characters of citrus trees.

  5. Never Seen before. Can we eat it? Thank you for sharing.

  6. Never heard of it but it does exactly look like a lemon.

    1. Thank you-
      The Interesting Plant at Neighborhood - Nature 122

  7. I've never seen it before either!
    How interesting!

    Happy Monday!

  8. Olá amiga. Desconhecia este fruto semelhante ao limão. Por certo será muito nutritivo.
    Deixo os meus votos de uma feliz semana.

    Mário Margaride

    1. Thank you-
      The Interesting Plant at Neighborhood - Nature 122
      When we saw first time, we thought the plant is a kind of citrus trees. After looking in details, the plant has no characters of citrus trees.

  9. Mia vista dalle nostre parti....

    1. Thank you-
      The Interesting Plant at Neighborhood - Nature 122

  10. Thank you-
    The Interesting Plant at Neighborhood - Nature 122
    When we saw first time, we thought the plant is a kind of citrus trees. After looking in details, the plant has no characters of citrus trees.

  11. Replies
    1. Thank you-
      The Interesting Plant at Neighborhood - Nature 122

  12. What a discovery. It is always fascinating to see what is shown in blog posts around the world. I am thrilled. And of course I wondered whether this citrus-like fruit is edible!

    And I am delighted with your contribution to

    Greetings from Heidrun

    1. Thank you-
      The Interesting Plant at Neighborhood - Nature 122


The Pagoda Plant or Giant Salvia? - Nature 151

Many people mistakenly to distinguish between the Pagoda Plant and Giant Salvia. Actually, there are "simple: appearances of both plant...