Saturday, 3 February 2024

A Male Peacock in Neighborhood - Nature 121

We saw a peacock, a male one, roaming around in our neighborhood when we are doing daily walking. 

Image 01 - The male peacock. 

The male peacocks are recognized by their long feathers of tails, together with their colors to be attractive parts for mates.

GoogleID and Google AI Chatbot suggested that this peacock belongs to Indian peafowl, a native to Indian subcontinent.

It has a scientific name, Pavo cristatusIn addition to Indian peafowl, the fowl has another common name, called as a blue peacock, it is because of its vibrant blue and green plumage. This peacock is the most common and well-known peacock in the world.  

Image 02 - Myrtle trees without leaves, illustration.

# Important postings:

Image 03 - A peacock, roaming around.

Even though that not common to captive peacocks as a pet, some people do raise this bird as a pet. 

Image 04 - Blooming in the winter.

Regulation to keep peacocks as pets are different from one area to other places in the USA.

Image 05 - Green, just for illustration.

However, we believe, the peacock we saw recently was a pet, the bird runs away from an owner.

Image 06 - Free ranging chicken.

Image 07 - A female peacock in the captivity. 

Do you know some people raising peacoks as pets?

## Previous postings:


  1. Una volta, molti anni fa, un pavone è arrivato nel cortile di casa da un piccolo allevamento nei dintorni. Sono degli animali bellissimi.
    Un saluto 😘

  2. Seeing a peacock or finding a peacock feather can be a great time to be grateful for all the wonderful things you have in your life. The peacock has a rich history of symbolism in different cultures. Peacocks were depicted as early as the time of the Greeks and Romans. In Greek mythology, the peacock was associated with the goddess Hera, who was known for her beauty, pride and regal attitude. On my nature website if you search on peacock with its plumage you will be able to read a lot more information if you like. I also found the free hen with little ones very cute. Wish you lovely day for each day. Greetings, Tine

    1. you are right...... I am happy that our neighborhood have peacock...

      Thank you-
      A Male Peacock in Neighborhood - Nature 121
      We saw a peacock, a male one, roaming around in our neighborhood when we are doing daily walking.

  3. I am not sure if it's legal to raise peacock as a pet over here....

    1. Thank you-
      A Male Peacock in Neighborhood - Nature 121

  4. Lovely neighborhood and neighbors !
    Have a nice Sunday !

  5. Peacocks are our national bird. The males put on quite a show in an attempt to attract mates.

    1. glad to hear....

      Thank you-
      A Male Peacock in Neighborhood - Nature 121
      We saw a peacock, a male one, roaming around in our neighborhood when we are doing daily walking.

  6. Looks so good with full span of feathers

  7. Muy buen domingo, preciosa la imagen del pavo real.
    Sus plumas son ejemplo de belleza.
    Un buen domingo.

    1. Thank you-
      A Male Peacock in Neighborhood - Nature 121

  8. Hello,
    The Peacock is a beautiful bird. We used to have a peacock living on a nearby farm, it would escape and walk around freely. Thank you for linking up and sharing your post. Take care, enjoy your day and have a happy week ahead.

  9. Una de las aves más hermosas, el pavo real. Cuánto asombro cuando espere su alas formando una panoli de colores. Saludos. Carlos

    1. Thank you-
      A Male Peacock in Neighborhood - Nature 121
      We saw a peacock, a male one, roaming around in our neighborhood when we are doing daily walking.

  10. We see a peacock at one of the parks but not at someone's house! Very beautiful birds!

  11. Un animale davvero splendiodo!!!!

    1. Thank you-
      A Male Peacock in Neighborhood - Nature 121

  12. Belas imagens estimada amiga. Os pavões são animais lindíssimos.
    Gostei muito desta postagem.
    Votos de uma excelente semana.

    Mário Margaride

  13. I don't know anyone who keeps a peacock as a pet.

    1. I see.....

      Thank you-
      A Male Peacock in Neighborhood - Nature 121
      We saw a peacock, a male one, roaming around in our neighborhood when we are doing daily walking.

  14. Thank you for sharing these lovely photos! It is wonderful to see these beautiful creatures.

  15. That is so fun that this peacock is free to run loose in your neighborhood. I only ever come across these when I am at the local zoo!

    1. fun and wonder......

      Thank you-
      A Male Peacock in Neighborhood - Nature 121

  16. Hermosa imagen de todo un pavo real andante...capaz de enamorar al paseante/a...

  17. Beautiful photos!
    It must have been quite a sight to see one roaming around freely in your area.

    1. fun to see....

      Thank you-
      A Male Peacock in Neighborhood - Nature 121
      We saw a peacock, a male one, roaming around in our neighborhood when we are doing daily walking.

  18. Peacocks are such lovely birds. I bet you feel very lucky to be able to see a peacock wondering around the neighborhood

  19. Gorgeous. My friends uncle used to own a pair.

  20. Olá amiga, passando por aqui, para desejar um feliz fim de semana.

    Mário Margaride

    1. Thank you-
      A Male Peacock in Neighborhood - Nature 121


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