Saturday, 27 January 2024

Farming nearby Our Neighborhood - Nature 120

We live in urban area, however, our neighborhood close to "little" forest and several farming. Few seems just for fun than commercial. 

Image 01 - A horse with her baby. 

One of farming is horse farming, a small farming with two horses and babies. Honestly, I never ridden and even didn't know anything about horses. Mostly, just knowing through watching movies or TV.

The owner of horse tells me that the horse is Mustang breeding with could be mix with other breeds.

Based on GoogleID, Google AI Chatbot and Bing, yes, the above horses, mother and baby (Image 01) are Mustang breeding with could be mixed between Mustang and a quarter horse. 

Image 02 - Blooming of Magnolia, illustration.

# Posting about critters:

Image 03 - The horses play outside.

The breeding could have some coat colors such as:
- brown
- bay
- dun
- and pinto.

Image 04 - Cactus fruit, illustration

The horses are smaller than other horses breeding. The height is about 60 inches (152 cm).

Image 05 - A foal, the baby of horse 

The breeding has strong bones and hooves, together with its intelligence, hence this breeding could be trained for multiple purposes. 

Image 06 - Morning glory, illustration. 

Interestingly, the horses can survive on variety of food sources, thus, they are good for work, riding and racing.

Image 07 - Garbage packs, Illustration.

Horses are feed twice a day, morning and evening. Horses also need walking around pin. 

Fig 08 - Horses walking outdoor.

Do you know about horses?

## Previous postings:


  1. No horses nearby but sheep !
    Magnolias, cactus fruits and morning glory we have...
    Have a lovely day !

  2. !Oh¡, qué bonita y tierna imagen nos presentas, de ese equino con su cría todo un mensaje de caricia noble para la vida. Gracias por todo.
    Un abrazo

  3. I love looking at the horses but not looking after them.

    1. Thank you-
      Farming nearby Our Neighborhood - Nature 120
      We live in urban area, however, our neighborhood close to "little" forest and several farming. Few seems just for fun than commercial.

  4. Love the foal, what cute horses! Thank you for linking up and sharing your post. Take care, Happy Sunday have a great week.

  5. I have seen plenty of horses in our neighbourhood, but not quite sure the breed..

    1. Thank you-
      Farming nearby Our Neighborhood - Nature 120

  6. Qué bonitos caballo, con su potrillo.
    Un entorno desde luego natural.
    Un besote, feliz domingo.

  7. Che belli i cavalli e che buoni i fichi d'india (da noi quei frutti di chiamano così).
    Un saluto e buon weekend 😘

  8. Los caballos son muy bonitos, donde yo vivo lo hay.
    Feliz semana.

    1. Thank you-
      Farming nearby Our Neighborhood - Nature 120
      We live in urban area, however, our neighborhood close to "little" forest and several farming. Few seems just for fun than commercial.

  9. Hello I am new here and come from the Netherlands and came to visit via a follower of yours. I don't know anything about horses but the pictures you shared with the information are beautiful.

    1. I see....

      Thank you-
      Farming nearby Our Neighborhood - Nature 120

  10. Cool! There is a stud farm near me. When I was little, we had a horse in the garden, my grandfather had it :)

  11. Splendido e fiero animale il cavallo, alto e baldanzoso!

    1. Thank you-
      Farming nearby Our Neighborhood - Nature 120
      We live in urban area, however, our neighborhood close to "little" forest and several farming. Few seems just for fun than commercial.

  12. The horses are very beautiful animals.
    Very close to my city there is a town with a couple of famous donkey farmers. These animals are friendly too.

  13. Replies
    1. Thank you-
      Farming nearby Our Neighborhood - Nature 120

  14. Beautiful horses. We too live in a more suburban area but are very close to farms and animals.

  15. Belas imagens estimada amiga. Os cavalos são uns belíssimos animais. Gostei desta partilha.
    Votos de uma feliz semana!

    Mário Margaride

    1. Thank you-
      Farming nearby Our Neighborhood - Nature 120
      We live in urban area, however, our neighborhood close to "little" forest and several farming. Few seems just for fun than commercial.

  16. I don't know anything about horses but I sure love seeing them on the horse farms here. I live in the horse capital of the world.

    1. I see....

      Thank you-
      Farming nearby Our Neighborhood - Nature 120

  17. I love your beautiful pictures!

    1. Thank you-
      Farming nearby Our Neighborhood - Nature 120
      We live in urban area, however, our neighborhood close to "little" forest and several farming. Few seems just for fun than commercial.

  18. Olá, amiga, passando por aqui, para desejar um feliz fim de semana, com muita saúde e paz.
    Beijinhos, com carinho e amizade.

    Mário Margaride

  19. Olá, amiga, passando por aqui, para desejar um feliz fim de semana, com muita saúde e paz.
    Beijinhos, com carinho e amizade.

    Mário Margaride

  20. Gracias por esa lección equina, a partir de los mustang. Un abrazo. Carlos

  21. I will like to have a pet horse.

    1. great ....

      Thank you-
      Farming nearby Our Neighborhood - Nature 120

  22. Replies
    1. Thank you-
      Farming nearby Our Neighborhood - Nature 120


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