Thursday, 9 November 2023

The Chrysanthemum and other flowers – Nature 105

We just talk flowers that blooming in the Fall at previous post:
- The Rainbow Before Evening : Blooming of Flowers in the Autumn - Nature 103

Image 01- Arrangement of Chrysanthemum flowers

The Chrysanthemum is one of beautiful flowers in our city, Baton Rouge. It has been popular choice for its long blooming seasons, colors and shapes. However, In term of bloom, people know it blooms in Autumn.

Other reasons that people choose the Chrysanthemum are good for indoor or outdoor, and low maintenance plant.

The flower comes from Asia, but it has been adaptable to hot and humid climate of our state, Louisiana, and we may find the flowers have been cultivated in many different areas of America.

Image 2- Some flowers on the bench, blooming in the Autumn

Image 3- Flowers at the corner, Fall season.

Image 4- Autumn season flowers, colorful

What flowers which blooming in the Autumn in your areas?

# Previous postings:


  1. Beautiful flowers !
    We usually put chrysanthemum in cemetery on the 1st of November...
    Have a lovely weekend !

  2. Una flores bonitas y son las ideales apra el día de difuntos. Pero la belleza esta todo el año. Un beso.

  3. Replies
    1. Thank you-
      The Chrysanthemum and other flowers – Nature 105
      We just talk flowers that blooming in the Fall at previous post:
      - The Rainbow Before Evening : Blooming of Flowers in the Autumn - Nature 103

  4. I love chrysanthemum flowers. The white one is missing here :-)

    1. Thank you-
      The Chrysanthemum and other flowers – Nature 105

  5. Lindas flores sem dúvida. Canteiros muito bonitos.
    Gostei muito.
    Votos de um feliz fim de semana, estimada amiga.

    Mário Margaride

    1. Thank you-
      The Chrysanthemum and other flowers – Nature 105

  6. They are beautiful flowers.
    The flowers on the bench have a good effect.

  7. Precioso y colorido otoño. Me encanta el banco.
    Buen fin de semana.
    Un abrazo.

    1. Thank you-
      The Chrysanthemum and other flowers – Nature 105

  8. Flores típicas del día de difuntos. Buena entrada.

  9. We have the same blooms, indeed.

    Happy MosaicMonday

    Thank you so much being part at

    Have a fine week. Greetings by Heidrun


A little cutie Bunny at the Corner

 When jogging in the Saturday morning recently, we saw a bunny. She is very s uper friendly critter! Image - A super friendly bunny. We beli...