Thursday, 23 November 2023

Should We Install Solar Panels in Our Roof? - Part 2 - Science 38

Image 1- Solar panels on the roof.

Much research showed that housing value could increase by up to 20 times if we have a 5 kW solar system on our roof.

In term of dollar, solar panels could make housing value up to US$ 24,000 in the market. Quite good for investment.

It is estimated that 20 solar panels need roof space of 5 hundreds square feet, then, it would produce 5,000 watts.

However, in Louisiana, let’s say we pay US$ 150 per month for electric bill, we might need solar panels system to produce 9500 watts.

Image 2 - A lot of pumpkins, illustration only

Interestingly, the solar system may last for 25 years. We avoid rising cost of electricity for so long, hence, save thousands of dollars.

Image 3 - A small house with solar panels in Louisiana 
(credit to Sunpro Solar).

Should we install solar panels in our roof?


  1. New houses have to install solar panel in their roof. But we see an acceleration on installing panel everywhere...
    Have a nice weekend !

  2. Replies
    1. Thank you-
      Should We Install Solar Panels in Our Roof? - Part 2 - Science 38

  3. Replies
    1. good...

      Thank you-
      Should We Install Solar Panels in Our Roof? - Part 2 - Science 38
      You may read previous post (Part 1):
      - The Rainbow Before Evening : Should We Install Solar Panels in Our Roof? - Part 1 - Science 38

  4. Os painéis solares são importantes para o aproveitamento energético. E ao mesmo tempo é energia limpa.
    Votos de um feliz fim de semana.

    Mário Margaride

    1. Thank you-
      Should We Install Solar Panels in Our Roof? - Part 2 - Science 38

  5. Deberíamos instalar paneles solares en nuestro tejado?... La pregunta es muy significativa y en aras de los avances científicos, que conllevan un ahorro energético y evitan la contaminación del medio ambiente. Sin lugar a dudas debiéramos acogernos a ello, pero sin subvenciones la instalación resulta costosa.
    Un fuerte abrazo

    1. agree with you....

      Thank you-
      Should We Install Solar Panels in Our Roof? - Part 2 - Science 38

  6. In order to comply with regulations, new houses are required to have solar panels installed on their roofs. It seems like panel installations are happening at a faster pace everywhere.
    I hope you have a wonderful weekend!



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