Friday, 13 October 2023

The Wandering Tortoise at the Corner of City - Nature 98

We saw a tortoise at the corner of our city recently, we believe it was a pet, belongs to someone nearby, and escaped from owner.

Image 1- A tortoise on the run

Based on GoogleID, the tortoise refers to African sulcata or sulcata tortoise with scientific name Centrochelys sulcata.

This tortoise is quite big, we think about 15 inches (38 cm) in length, and about 80 pound (36 kg) in weight.

By searching through Google, adult tortoise may reach 3 feet (91 cm), and up to 150 pounds (68 kg).The shell looks brown to yellow (yellowish brown) in color, and pretty thick.

The question then how this tortoise comes from Sahara Desert, Africa to America?

Image 2 - The African sulcata tortoise crossing the street.

The best answer, we think that the tortoise might be purchased from pet shops or breeders by someone.

Then the owners can't or unwilling to take the tortoise anymore or the tortoise just simply escape.

Image 3- Size of tortoise and feet of a kid

What do you think?

# Previous postings:


  1. Lovely !
    I hope someone take care of her !
    Have a nice weekend !

  2. Es enorme , la verdad que hay que tener cuidado con las mascotas no dejarlas sueltas a su libre albedrío. Un abrazo feliz finde.

  3. Hello!
    Great photos! My cousin once had a turtle, it just escaped while they were in the garden. Sometimes it happens.
    Greetings from Poland!

    1. yes, they escape for food or water....

      Thank you-
      The Wandering Tortoise at the Corner of City - Nature 98
      We saw a tortoise at the corner of our city recently, we believe it was a pet, belongs to someone nearby, and escaped from owner.

  4. La verdad es una pena cuando la gente se encapricha de un animal y luego no lo cuida. ¿Esta es una especie protegida??? Espero que no. Saludos.

  5. I hope the tortoise is safe wandering around...

  6. The turtle escaped the owner's home

    1. I am sure....

      Thank you-
      The Wandering Tortoise at the Corner of City - Nature 98

  7. Well, I do not know, but it is impressive, I imagine that a turtle of that size and what can grow is not very comfortable to have but before adopting it or buying it you have to know everything about this, I particularly love them.
    Best regards.

  8. Troppo simpatiche le tartarughe!!!

    1. Thank you-
      The Wandering Tortoise at the Corner of City - Nature 98
      We saw a tortoise at the corner of our city recently, we believe it was a pet, belongs to someone nearby, and escaped from owner.

  9. I hope that the turtle was not abandoned by its owners.
    Have a good week.

  10. A tartaruga é um animal muito bonito. Tem as suas especifidades e características, que tem que ser muito bem cuidadas.
    Excelente partilha, minha amiga.
    Votos de uma boa semana!

    Mário Margaride

    1. Thank you-
      The Wandering Tortoise at the Corner of City - Nature 98

  11. Oh my.. I hope the tortoise is rescued and unharmed.

    1. hopefully....

      Thank you-
      The Wandering Tortoise at the Corner of City - Nature 98

  12. Is a very big turtle. I think in a zoological It can be better, in a big área, with good and water. The mallorquin savage turtles, in the forest in Mallorca, Spain, are big only like a human hand. And all they are protected.

    1. you are right.... it should be in the zoo.....

      Thank you-
      The Wandering Tortoise at the Corner of City - Nature 98

  13. Hello,
    I hope the tortoise was rescued and taken to a safe place. They are cool looking! Thank you for linking up and sharing your post. Take care, Happy Sunday have a great week.

  14. I hope the tortoise was saved and is now safe.

  15. Es enorme! La gente debe de responsabilizarse cuando se hace cargo de un animal.

    1. Thank you-
      The Wandering Tortoise at the Corner of City - Nature 98


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