Saturday, 9 September 2023

The Eastern Box Turtle Visited Our Yard - Nature 92

The name come from the habitat where turtle live, yes, habitat of this turtle is the eastern of United States, include our state Louisiana.

Image 1- The Eastern Box Turtle on the grass

The size of the turtle was about 6.5 inches (16.5 cm) in length. The carapace has brown color with markings. 

The scientific name of this critter is Terrapene carolina which is a terrestrial turtle. The Eastern box turtle may be found in habitats such as woodlands, meadows and forests (little forest).

We saw them have visited our yard several times. We gave them fruits, vegetables and fresh water. Actually, in nature, the Eastern Box turtles consume these foods in addition to worms and insects. 

Image 2- The antique car, just for illustration.

Just to let you know, it is illegal to remove or capture the wild Eastern box turtle in our state, Louisiana. However, we may buy them as a pet from certified breeding or legal pet shops.

Image 3- The turtle moving away.

Is it legal to capture terrestrial wild turtle in your areas?

# Previous postings:


  1. No sé, pero siempre me dieron miedo las tortugas . Un beso , feliz domingo.

    1. Thank you-
      The Eastern Box Turtle Visited Our Yard - Nature 92
      The name come from the habitat where turtle live, yes, habitat of this turtle is the eastern of United States, include our state Louisiana.

  2. They don't exist in this area, but I've seen them as pets.
    Have a great week, 🌈

    1. I see....

      Thank you-
      The Eastern Box Turtle Visited Our Yard - Nature 92

  3. What a find. I don't know about that.. I haven't seen any turtles in our area but a friend who lives a few blocks over said she was saw a snapping turtle.

  4. Replies
    1. pretty little critter...

      Thank you-
      The Eastern Box Turtle Visited Our Yard - Nature 92
      The name come from the habitat where turtle live, yes, habitat of this turtle is the eastern of United States, include our state Louisiana.

  5. Never see a turtle around here...sadly I might say...
    Have a nice week !

  6. Simpatiche le tartarughe da terra!!!

  7. Interessante partilha aqui nos trazes, amiga.
    As tartarugas são animais muito fofos.
    Deixo os meus votos de uma boa semana.

    Mário Margaride

    1. Thank you-
      The Eastern Box Turtle Visited Our Yard - Nature 92
      The name come from the habitat where turtle live, yes, habitat of this turtle is the eastern of United States, include our state Louisiana.

  8. That is so neat that you have this cute little turtle visiting your yard. What a fun guest to be able to entertain!

    1. Indeed....

      Thank you-
      The Eastern Box Turtle Visited Our Yard - Nature 92

  9. A very welcome visit. Glad you have fed the turtle.
    Also in Italy to capture the turtles is illegal.

  10. In our country, people keep turtles at home.

    1. I see....

      Thank you-
      The Eastern Box Turtle Visited Our Yard - Nature 92
      The name come from the habitat where turtle live, yes, habitat of this turtle is the eastern of United States, include our state Louisiana.

  11. Hello!
    Really great post. The turtle is great :) My cousin once had a turtle and it escaped in my village.
    Greetings from Poland!

    1. glad.....

      Thank you-
      The Eastern Box Turtle Visited Our Yard - Nature 92

  12. Olá amiga,
    Passando por aqui, para desejar um feliz fim de semana.

    Mário Margaride

  13. Cazarlas en su habitat es ilegal. Ellas hacen parte de un ecosistema, y su extracción de su ambiente natural atenta contra su equilibrio. Un abrazo. Carlos

    1. Thank you-
      The Eastern Box Turtle Visited Our Yard - Nature 92
      The name come from the habitat where turtle live, yes, habitat of this turtle is the eastern of United States, include our state Louisiana.

  14. Great find and cute turtles. We do not see them often. Too many people are taking them home as pets. Thank you for linking up and sharing your post. Take care, have a great day and happy new week.

  15. Nice discovery, and those turtles are cute.

    1. Thank you-
      The Eastern Box Turtle Visited Our Yard - Nature 92

  16. We use to have a box turtle as a pet when I was a kid....a looong time ago...Michelle

  17. Replies
    1. indeed.....

      Thank you-
      The Eastern Box Turtle Visited Our Yard - Nature 92
      The name come from the habitat where turtle live, yes, habitat of this turtle is the eastern of United States, include our state Louisiana.


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