Sunday, 27 August 2023

Storms in the Middle of Hot Summer - Nature 88

As you know, this hot summer may reach more than 100* F (38* C) in many places in the world. Unfortunately, summer is storms season too in our city.

Image 1 - The tree hit by storm at our areas.

We have experienced hit by several storms recently. We saw, there was a tree struck by wind, just few branches fell down.

However, other quick storms knocked down trees which brought down a slew of powerlines, then causing residents in the dark. 

Across our areas, outage effects on more than 2 thousand homes. Can you imagine darkness and no AC in the middle of higher temperatures?

Few stores around our neighborhood outage as well. Stores just accept cash, no credit or debit cards.

Image 2- Dark in one of Dolar General stores.


  1. There are so many fuel reserve in all our forests due to the rain in the past few years. This year, the bushfire would be very bad here

  2. Hello!
    There are storms in my country. Where I live it just rains and nothing bad happens.
    Greetings from Poland!

    1. take care .....

      Thank you-
      Storms in the Middle of Hot Summer - Nature 88
      As you know, this hot summer may reach more than 100* F (38*) in many places in the world. Unfortunately, summer is storms season too in our city.

  3. Storms are usual in Winter. No rain in Summer where I of Portugal !
    Have a nice week !

  4. We have lots of rain this summer...and it was pretty cold this morning that I even had to wear a light jacket when I went for a walk this early morning.

    1. glad to hear....we are still summer....

      Thank you-
      Storms in the Middle of Hot Summer - Nature 88
      As you know, this hot summer may reach more than 100* F (38*) in many places in the world. Unfortunately, summer is storms season too in our city.

  5. I am sorry for the storm in your areas and for all the related problems.
    No storms here but another heat wave even if this morning we got a bit of rain.

    1. common in the summer....

      Thank you-
      Storms in the Middle of Hot Summer - Nature 88

  6. Ha fatto molto caldo questa estate, ora iniziano i temporali..

  7. Por estos lados, una tormenta helada en el Caribe, no sólo afectó la costa, sino el interior del país donde vivo, con fuertes lluvias frías prolongadas que desbordaron ríos, llevándose casas de las riberas. Quién iba a pensar que, en medio del calor de etos tiempos, viniera una precipitación de tan impensables consecuencias. Un abrazo. Carlos

  8. It's a terrible situation when the power goes out. Then nothing works.

    1. unfortunately....

      Thank you-
      Storms in the Middle of Hot Summer - Nature 88

  9. I feel so bad for you. Hot weather without AC is no fun at all. Hang in there with all the crazy weather. Hopefully the temps can come down sooner than later!

    1. Early September the temperature will calm down in our areas....

      Thank you-
      Storms in the Middle of Hot Summer - Nature 88
      As you know, this hot summer may reach more than 100* F (38*) in many places in the world. Unfortunately, summer is storms season too in our city.

  10. Tempestades no Verão são horríveis, tal como a falta de eletricidade.
    Em Portugal, o meu país, tem estado muito calor e os incêndios vão acontecendo.

    1. I see.....

      Thank you-
      Storms in the Middle of Hot Summer - Nature 88
      As you know, this hot summer may reach more than 100* F (38*) in many places in the world. Unfortunately, summer is storms season too in our city.

  11. As temperaturas andam descontroladas mundialmente. A semana passada tivemos mais de 40 graus. ESta semana está muito vento e máximas de 27G
    Coisas de uma Vida || Por cá...
    Beijos. Uma excelente semana...

  12. As alterações climáticas, estão a determinar as temperaturas extremas um pouco por todo o mundo. Ora calor intenso, acima de 40 graus, ora chuvas torrenciais e inundações. Não há como alterar este paradigma, infelizmente.
    Excelente partilha, minha amiga.
    Votos de uma boa semana!

    Mário Margaride

  13. Thank you-
    Storms in the Middle of Hot Summer - Nature 88
    As you know, this hot summer may reach more than 100* F (38*) in many places in the world. Unfortunately, summer is storms season too in our city.

  14. Hope you are well. Stormy weather is hard now.

    There are many other interestings things here to see, to read. I enjoyed your post.

    Thank you for sharing and being part at

    Have a wonderful week.
    Greetings by Heidrun

    1. Thank you-
      Storms in the Middle of Hot Summer - Nature 88

  15. THe weather has been so crazy here. Unpredictable to say the least. We had 7500 lightning strikes in just over an hour. It was nuts. #NaturesNotes

  16. No matter how we humans try, Mother Nature usually has the final word

    1. Thank you-
      Storms in the Middle of Hot Summer - Nature 88


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