Thursday, 31 August 2023

Have you Seen and Tasted Okra Flowers? - Food 42

I believe that almost all of you have tasted Okra, but you might never see and tasted Okra flowers. 

Image 1- Okra flower, look pretty.

The flower looks trumpet-shaped with color of light yellow. Okra flowers have 5 petals with size of 4 to 8 cm (1.5 to 3 inches) in diameter.

They do self-fertilize which means the flowers no need pollinators for pollinating. In our area, Baton Rouge, Louisiana, the blooming in summer months since its warm season crop.

In the August month when temperature average is about 84* F (29* C), hence, a perfect time for Okra flowering. Okra flowers are edible, and could be mixed with soups, salads and other local dishes.

Image 2- Okra vegetable, sold in Walmart.

Okra flowers are known as a good source of vitamins such as vitamins A and C, and contains antioxidants to protect our body against damage from free radicals.

Image 3- The Okra flower, light yellow

Have you Seen and Tasted Okra Flowers?

# Previous postings:


  1. The flowers taste nice! I tried in Japanese restaurants

  2. Lovely flower ! Never see it before...
    Have a nice weekend !

    1. pretty and edible.....

      Thank you-
      Have you Seen and Tasted Okra Flowers? - Food 42
      I believe that almost all of you have tasted Okra, but you might never see and tasted Okra flowers.

  3. Didn't even know they are edible. They look very pretty though.

    1. Indeed.....

      Thank you-
      Have you Seen and Tasted Okra Flowers? - Food 42
      I believe that almost all of you have tasted Okra, but you might never see and tasted Okra flowers.

  4. Pretty blossom! Take care, enjoy your day and happy weekend.

  5. Un buen fin de semana , otra cosa aprendida. Besos.

  6. Very interesting, I have not tried it or knew it, but it seems to provide good vitamins A and C
    Happy September.
    Best regards

    1. Thank you-
      Have you Seen and Tasted Okra Flowers? - Food 42

  7. Replies
    1. Thank you-
      Have you Seen and Tasted Okra Flowers? - Food 42

  8. Eu confesso que nunca provei quiabo. Será porventura saboroso. Só mesmo provando, minha amiga.
    Deixo os meus votos de um bom fim de semana!

    Mário Margaride

  9. I tried them years ago...don't remember much about them though. We LOVE okra and buy it fresh at the farmer's mkt in the Spring. I fry it crispy!

  10. No ... never seen before. This Ocra bloom looks like an orchidee.

    Happy MosaicMonday

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    Have a fine week. Greetings by Heidrun


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