Wednesday, 9 August 2023

Dropping Price of Cherries in the Summer

 Last year, almost all kind foods have rising in price due to inflation:
The Rainbow Before Evening : Is Rising Price due to Greedflation?

Image 1- Discount rate more than 50%

Cherry is one of the items that dropping in price, and even discount rate about 50%. It might be due to oversupply, especially during summer seasons.

Another reason is due to competition from imported cherries. As we know the countries such as Turkey, Chile and China are important cherries producers in the world.

However, low price means good news for cherry's fans like me. It is because the fruit are a sweet (a delicious) and nutritious.

Cherries are sources for minerals, vitamins and antioxidants. In addition, this sweet fruit has a lot of health benefits.

Image 2- Cherries in the plastic bags

The health benefits include boosting heart health, reducing inflammation, improving sleep condition and speeding recovery after exercise.

Image 3- Fresh cherries from market

From internet sources, we recommended to consume cherries about 10 to 25 cherries per day.

Image 4- Cherries in the bowl, ready to be consumed.

Do you like cherries?

# Previous posting:


  1. Estupenda información dejas sobre los beneficios de las cerezas..
    a mi me encantan, y la temporada hay que aprovecharla
    La cerveza fresquita con este calor maravilla tambien
    Un abrazo agradecido

  2. $2.48 per pound is very reasonable.

    1. indeed....

      Thank you-
      Dropping Price of Cherries in the Summer
      Last year, almost all kind foods have rising in price due to inflation:
      - The Rainbow Before Evening : Is Rising Price due to Greedflation?

  3. I love cherries. Around here there are many producers but the price is higher than in the past.

    1. the price little bit down just recently

      Thank you-
      Dropping Price of Cherries in the Summer
      Last year, almost all kind foods have rising in price due to inflation:
      - The Rainbow Before Evening : Is Rising Price due to Greedflation?

  4. Cherries cost so much in Australia. Your cherries look different to ours in supermarkets

    1. Thank you-
      Dropping Price of Cherries in the Summer
      Last year, almost all kind foods have rising in price due to inflation:
      - The Rainbow Before Evening : Is Rising Price due to Greedflation?

  5. Love cherries ! And we have some here and the price is around yours...
    Don't buy any fruits or vegetable from China...
    Have a yummy day !

    1. Thank you for comment-
      Dropping Price of Cherries in the Summer
      Last year, almost all kind foods have rising in price due to inflation:
      - The Rainbow Before Evening : Is Rising Price due to Greedflation?

  6. I like cherries very much.
    Here, the price of cherries is quite high.

    1. price drops just recently....

      Thank you for comment-
      Dropping Price of Cherries in the Summer

  7. Hello!
    I like cherries when they are sweet. In Poland they are called "czereśnie"
    I have a tree in front of the house, I made cherries in a jar :)
    Greetings from Poland!

    1. glad you have cherry trees.....

      Thank you for comment-
      Dropping Price of Cherries in the Summer

  8. A inflação não é culpada de tudo. Curiosamente, aqui em Portugal até baixou, mas os preços dos alimentos continuam a subir. Por isso, será mais ganância do que outra coisa.
    Por acaso gosto muito de cerejas.
    Bom fim de semana, minha amiga.

    Mário Margaride

    1. Thank you for comment-
      Dropping Price of Cherries in the Summer

  9. O preço das cerejas baixou em Portugal, mas o preço de outros alimentos subiu e muito. A desculpa é sempre a guerra, Rússia/Croácia.
    I like cherries very much.

    1. Thank you for comment-
      Dropping Price of Cherries in the Summer
      Last year, almost all kind foods have rising in price due to inflation:
      - The Rainbow Before Evening : Is Rising Price due to Greedflation?


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