Friday, 25 August 2023

Brain Plasticity and Care Offspring – Part 2 - Brain Plasticity 4

Image 1 - A bunny on the grass, a crochet

In mother side, lactation means increasing of Glucocorticoid levels. Glucocorticoid is a type of steroid hormone that is produced by the adrenal glands, which has function to manage carbohydrates, fats and proteins level in the body. 

One of important functions of oxytocin is to make process of birth to be smooth by stimulation of urine muscle contraction. In social aspects, oxytocin is key hormone, since this hormone play role in social contact between parents and child.   

The ability of the brain to adapt to a new condition is an important factor to success in the parenting.

Image 2 - A bunny girl, just illustration

It is well known that parenthood caused major changes in parents in terms of identity, responsibility and roles. This period is called a stressful time with uncertainty at some points. Other factors such as characteristics of both parents and child should be considered as part of fundamental factors to be successful in parenting. 

Image 3- Three bunnies, ready to play

# Previous postings:


  1. Plasticity is a mysterious process in brain.

    1. indeed....

      Thank you-
      Brain Plasticity and Care Offspring – Part 2 - Brain Plasticity 4

  2. Replies
    1. just crochet.....

      Thank you-
      Brain Plasticity and Care Offspring – Part 2 - Brain Plasticity 4
      You may read the previous postings (Part 1):
      - The Rainbow Before Evening : Brain Plasticity and Care Offspring – Part 1 - Brain Plasticity 4

    2. Brain Plasticity and Care Offspring – Part 2 - Brain Plasticity 4

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    1. Thank you-
      Brain Plasticity and Care Offspring – Part 2 - Brain Plasticity 4
      You may read the previous postings (Part 1):

    2. Brain Plasticity and Care Offspring – Part 2 - Brain Plasticity 4

  4. Thank you for this interesting post.

    1. Thank you-
      Brain Plasticity and Care Offspring – Part 2 - Brain Plasticity 4
      You may read the previous postings (Part 1):

    2. Brain Plasticity and Care Offspring – Part 2 - Brain Plasticity 4

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    1. Thank you-
      Brain Plasticity and Care Offspring – Part 2 - Brain Plasticity 4
      You may read the previous postings (Part 1):


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