Wednesday, 23 August 2023

A goat entered the lawn - Nature 87

We have morning walk as usual, and we saw surprising an animal, a goat entered the lawn of our neighborhood. 

Image 1- A goat entered a lawn at a neighborhood.

Never before have seen a goat around our areas. One of our neighbors said that the goat comes from nearby areas.

The male goat has been caught by two men from city animal control, then the goat owner is identified and going to be notified where to pick it up.

Owner said the goat escaped into the canal when he transported several goats from his farm to nearby markets few days ago.

Actually, we just have two goat farms, few miles from our city, Baton Rouge, they are Clark Farms and Goat Lady Farm.

Image 2- Peony, just for illustration

We love goat cheese, yes, we can buy it in the Walmart groceries, but if we want the fresh goat cheese, we go to farmer market, every Saturday. The market also sells meat and milk with reasonable prices,

Image 3- Crochet, illustration only.

Do you like goat meat, milk, or cheese?

# Previous postings:



  1. That's a very skinny goat...the peony looks lovely!

    1. has no eat.... may be....

      Thank you-
      A goat entered the lawn - Nature 87
      We have morning walk as usual, and we saw surprising an animal, a goat entered the lawn of our neighborhood.

  2. I like goats and sheep very much, sometimes I also like goat cheese. Once in my life I tried goat curry (in Jamaica). I think you CAN eat it, but if it's not essential for survival, it's better NOT to eat it ;-)
    I think it's wise of the goat to try to escape the market - but it sounds like it didn't make it last...
    All the best from Austria!

    1. Thank you-
      A goat entered the lawn - Nature 87

  3. I prefer to not eat goats and sheep but I like the cheese with their milk.

    1. me too...

      Thank you-
      A goat entered the lawn - Nature 87

  4. Porventura terá fugido do seu habitante natural.
    Deixo os meus votos de um bom fim de semana.

    Mário Margaride

    1. Thank you-
      A goat entered the lawn - Nature 87

  5. Hello,
    Love the cute goat and the crochet critters. I do not remember eating goat cheese, I should try it soon. Thank you for linking up and sharing your post. Take care, have a great weekend.

  6. How funny to see the goat! I hope he got back to his home OK. I don't care for goat products but I know the are good for you.

  7. Lindo! Me gusta mucho el queso de cabra y las fotos de tu post. Un abrazo

    1. Thank you-
      A goat entered the lawn - Nature 87
      We have morning walk as usual, and we saw surprising an animal, a goat entered the lawn of our neighborhood.

  8. I had to laugh, as those crocheted goats are adorable. Not everyday one sees a goat on their lawn, so it was an interesting encounter. Nice not to always have a usual day.


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Many people mistakenly to distinguish between the Pagoda Plant and Giant Salvia. Actually, there are "simple: appearances of both plant...