Friday, 28 July 2023

The Opossum in Neighborhood – Nature 83

We often see Opossums across on our yard in the evening. Some neighbors saw these critters are able to climb trees and roofs.

Image 1- A baby Opossum

The critters are quite common in our neighborhood recently, luckily they are harmless and not bother to residents.

Opossums are known as omnivore, so they can many kinds of food, some of them are fruits, vegetables, insects and small mammals.

They love to eat insects such as ticks, spiders, ants and Cockroaches. The Opossum also like to consume garden’s pests that are slugs and snails.

Interestingly, Opossums consume ticks in enormous amount, could reach 5,000 (Five Thousand) ticks per season.

Image 2- Geranium, illustration only

Since Opossums may control certain pests and insects, hence they are considered as one of important critters in the ecosystem.

Unfortunately, Opossum they may raid garbage cans, and hiding in the attic. If we think this is a problem, we may call Animal control officers or hire wildlife removal company.

Image 3- Crochet, Illustration

Are there Opossum in your neighborhood?

# Previous postings:


  1. They are pretty cute, ain't they? Unfortunately I can only see them in the zoos.

  2. Cute opossum but they are none in Europe !
    Have a nice weekend !

  3. No conocía esta especie de Zarigüeya, que por lo que se menciona en la entrada resulta ser muy propicia y equilibrada para eliminar determinados insectos. Gracias por compartirlo
    Un abrazo

    1. I see...
      Thank you-
      The Opossum in Neighborhood – Nature 83
      We often see Opossums across on our yard in the evening. Some neighbors saw these critters are able to climb trees and roofs.

  4. I know their claws are full of germs that can cause superinfections

    1. true....

      Thank you for comment-
      The Opossum in Neighborhood – Nature 83
      We often see Opossums across on our yard in the evening. Some neighbors saw these critters are able to climb trees and roofs.

    2. My friend is a wildlife rehabilitator for opossum in my area. There are a lot of myths about them. They are very docile and are frequently attacked by other animals. They are sensitive to frost bite and we live in a climate with cold winters. Their body temperatures are too low so they don't carry rabies. They do eat bugs and can climb. Any animal can carry germs on its body or paws but people who would handle should use gloves and wash their hands. They also live only about 2 years in the wild. I have learned to love them from my friend....Michelle.. Nature Notes

  5. Supongo que la zariguella es una especie de roedor, benéfico porque consume insectos plaga; pero supongo que en expansión puede convertirse en plaga. Por estos lados, parace que no se ambientan. Un abrazo. carlos

    1. Thank you-
      The Opossum in Neighborhood – Nature 83

  6. Perfect image of the Opossums, thanks you.

    1. sweet critter....

      Thank you for comment-
      The Opossum in Neighborhood – Nature 83
      We often see Opossums across on our yard in the evening. Some neighbors saw these critters are able to climb trees and roofs.

  7. garras importantes para ser un animal pequeño, a mi tambien me parece roedor..., no lo conocía
    Un abrazo

    1. Thank you-
      The Opossum in Neighborhood – Nature 83
      We often see Opossums across on our yard in the evening. Some neighbors saw these critters are able to climb trees and roofs.

  8. I didn't realise opposums ate so many insects!
    We don't have opposums over here in Scotland.

    1. Thank you-
      The Opossum in Neighborhood – Nature 83
      We often see Opossums across on our yard in the evening. Some neighbors saw these critters are able to climb trees and roofs.

    2. Thank you-
      The Opossum in Neighborhood – Nature 83
      We often see Opossums across on our yard in the evening. Some neighbors saw these critters are able to climb trees and roofs.

  9. Opossums are so cute!
    I've never seen one in the flesh.

    Happy Monday!

    1. I see....

      Thank you-
      The Opossum in Neighborhood – Nature 83
      We often see Opossums across on our yard in the evening. Some neighbors saw these critters are able to climb trees and roofs.

  10. Mai visto uno da vicino....

  11. Desconhecia este animal. É curioso. Como gosta de comer insetos.
    Ótima partilha, minha amiga.
    Votos de uma excelente semana!

    Mário Margaride

  12. The Opossums re strange looking critters. We do see them here too. I like the cute crocheted critter. Thank you for linking up and sharing your post. Take care, have a great day and a happy new week.

    1. they are cute....

      Thank you for coming-
      The Opossum in Neighborhood – Nature 83
      We often see Opossums across on our yard in the evening. Some neighbors saw these critters are able to climb trees and roofs.

  13. I love the little crochet 'possom! And yes, we have them here but rarely see them. Interesting info!

    1. neighborhood critter....

      Thank you for coming-
      The Opossum in Neighborhood – Nature 83

  14. Opossum is cute! It's impressive how they help control pests, although they might occasionally cause a few issues.

  15. Very cute. Regine

    1. Thank you for coming-
      The Opossum in Neighborhood – Nature 83


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