Saturday, 1 July 2023

Is Brisk Walking better than Slow Walk? - Part 1 - Healthy Life 28

We walk almost 3 times a week, except rain and other reasons such as too hot (above 30* C or 86* F) or too cold (below 10* C or 50* F).

Image 1- One of walking or jogging areas in my neighborhood.

Our walking is quite slow with about 35 minutes length of time in our city garden or neighborhood areas.

Just reading several papers or popular articles about brisk walking. Then, what is brisk walking by quantity measures?

Here some of information concerning brisk walking:

- 100 steps per minute
- 4.5 km to 4.75 km (2.8 mile to 2.95 mile) per hour for older persons
- 5.3 km to 5.4 km (3.3 mile to 5.4 mile) per hour for younger persons

Image 2- A neighborhood area

As reported by ScienceDaily (March 16, 2021) that brisk walking leads to have good: cardiovascular and heart health

Hence, fast walkers could be related to physical fitness. This measure, together with normal Body Mass Index (BMI) are more able to cope with external stressors, include infection diseases.

Image 3- Another corner of our neighborhood

# To be continue to part 2

## Previous postings:


  1. Brisk walking is better for your health but slow walking is better for enjoying nature!

    1. I see....

      Thank you-
      Is Brisk Walking better than Slow Walk? - Part 1 - Healthy Life 28
      We walk almost 3 times a week, except rain and other reasons such as too hot (above 30* C or 86* F) or too cold (below 10* C or 50* F).

  2. Walking is good for everyone :)
    Have a nice Sunday !

  3. Walking is generally good, slow or brisk. We walk 15km almost daily...

  4. I did not know I was doing brisk walking then lol

  5. Caminemos es lo más saludable que podemos hacer, mover todo el cuerpo es mover la sangre y el corazón .
    Un fuerte abrazo, feliz domingo.

    1. I see...

      Thank you for your appreciation-
      Is Brisk Walking better than Slow Walk? - Part 1 - Healthy Life 28
      We walk almost 3 times a week, except rain and other reasons such as too hot (above 30* C or 86* F) or too cold (below 10* C or 50* F).

  6. I prefer slow walking. I like to stop and smell the roses!

    Hugs and blessings

    1. great for you.....

      Thank you-
      Is Brisk Walking better than Slow Walk? - Part 1 - Healthy Life 28
      We walk almost 3 times a week, except rain and other reasons such as too hot (above 30* C or 86* F) or too cold (below 10* C or 50* F).

  7. O exercício físico é fundamental, para o nosso bem estar físico e emocional.
    Excelente postagem, minha amiga.
    Votos de uma excelente semana!

    Mário Margaride

    1. I see...

      Thank you for coming-
      Is Brisk Walking better than Slow Walk? - Part 1 - Healthy Life 28
      We walk almost 3 times a week, except rain and other reasons such as too hot (above 30* C or 86* F) or too cold (below 10* C or 50* F).

  8. Hello!
    I love going for walks. I do it myself in my spare time. I think it's good for body and soul :)
    Greetings from Poland!

    1. you are right ....

      Thank you for comment-
      Is Brisk Walking better than Slow Walk? - Part 1 - Healthy Life 28
      We walk almost 3 times a week, except rain and other reasons such as too hot (above 30* C or 86* F) or too cold (below 10* C or 50* F).

  9. I love walking, but, I can't walk due to the Stroke. Walking is good keep health body.

    1. I see.... hope, you are getting better....

      Thank you for comment on my post-
      Is Brisk Walking better than Slow Walk? - Part 1 - Healthy Life 28
      We walk almost 3 times a week, except rain and other reasons such as too hot (above 30* C or 86* F) or too cold (below 10* C or 50* F).

  10. I try to walk at a brisk pace if possible, but I'm confident any kind of walking is better than none at all. Walking makes you feel so much better!

  11. Interesting post.
    I am a runner (workouts every other day) but often I make slow walking to enjoy the landscape and the nature.

    1. I see .....

      Thank you-
      Is Brisk Walking better than Slow Walk? - Part 1 - Healthy Life 28
      We walk almost 3 times a week, except rain and other reasons such as too hot (above 30* C or 86* F) or too cold (below 10* C or 50* F).

  12. This is a good post to read. I am grateful that you shared.

    1. Have a great day....

      Thank you for coming-
      Is Brisk Walking better than Slow Walk? - Part 1 - Healthy Life 28
      We walk almost 3 times a week, except rain and other reasons such as too hot (above 30* C or 86* F) or too cold (below 10* C or 50* F).

  13. This is a good post.
    Walking is good, I go for walks every day.

  14. Também faço caminhada!
    Caminhe sempre e divirta - se!
    Um beijinho!
    💜💜💜Megy Maia

    1. yes....

      Thank you for comment-
      Is Brisk Walking better than Slow Walk? - Part 1 - Healthy Life 28
      We walk almost 3 times a week, except rain and other reasons such as too hot (above 30* C or 86* F) or too cold (below 10* C or 50* F).

  15. Andando movemos las piernas y ejercitamos el corazón.
    Buena entrada 👏🏼

  16. Thank you for this interesting post.

    1. have a nice day...

      Thank you for comment my post-
      Is Brisk Walking better than Slow Walk? - Part 1 - Healthy Life 28
      We walk almost 3 times a week, except rain and other reasons such as too hot (above 30* C or 86* F) or too cold (below 10* C or 50* F).

  17. El ejercicio nos pone al día y caminar es la mejor fórmula
    Un abrazo

    1. Thank you-
      Is Brisk Walking better than Slow Walk? - Part 1 - Healthy Life 28
      We walk almost 3 times a week, except rain and other reasons such as too hot (above 30* C or 86* F) or too cold (below 10* C or 50* F).

  18. Interesante entrada. mi agradecimiento por la información
    Un abrazo

  19. Siempre será positivo el realizar un ejercicio físico y el caminar conlleva el consumo de calorías y por ello alivio para el estado físico y mental de quienes lo practican. Gracias por la sugerencia.
    Un abrazo

    1. Thank you for coming-
      Is Brisk Walking better than Slow Walk? - Part 1 - Healthy Life 28
      We walk almost 3 times a week, except rain and other reasons such as too hot (above 30* C or 86* F) or too cold (below 10* C or 50* F).

  20. Olá amiga,
    Passando por aqui, para desejar um feliz fim de semana.

    Mário Margaride

    1. I see...

      Thank you for coming-
      Is Brisk Walking better than Slow Walk? - Part 1 - Healthy Life 28
      We walk almost 3 times a week, except rain and other reasons such as too hot (above 30* C or 86* F) or too cold (below 10* C or 50* F).

  21. Olá amiga,
    Passando por aqui, para desejar um feliz fim de semana.

    Mário Margaride

  22. Replies
    1. glad to hear you love to walk.....

      Thank you for visiting-
      Is Brisk Walking better than Slow Walk? - Part 1 - Healthy Life 28
      We walk almost 3 times a week, except rain and other reasons such as too hot (above 30* C or 86* F) or too cold (below 10* C or 50* F).


A little cutie Bunny at the Corner

 When jogging in the Saturday morning recently, we saw a bunny. She is very s uper friendly critter! Image - A super friendly bunny. We beli...