Saturday, 3 June 2023

Nesting of Mississippi Kites in the Areas – Nature 77

Some people might be wrong to distinguish the different between Bald Eagles and Mississippi Kites.

Image 1- Several Mississippi Kites

Actually, the simple difference that Bald eagles have large, hooked yellow beaks that are unmistakable.

Well, a group of Mississippi Kites must be nesting in the area. This is my second time seeing them within a few weeks.

Nowadays, we may observe Bald Eagle living nearby rivers, lakes, marshes to urban areas (The Rainbow Before Evening : Are Bald Eagles not Endangered Species Anymore? - Nature 50)

Image 2- Empty nest, illustration only

In respect to food source, as you might know the Bald Eagle consumes on small animals such as rabbits, snakes, waterfowl and fish.

In case of Mississippi Kites they mostly live on “Crop-damaging insects” such as cicadas and grasshoppers. However, they have been known to eat small mammals too.

Image 3- A single Mississippi Kite

Have you seen Mississippi Kites in your areas?

# Previous postings:


  1. I won't see any bald eagles in Australia. However, it would look so thrilling one day

  2. I like to appreciate... Great entry for 'saturday critters'...
    Have a nice Sunday, friend 🌈

  3. A beautiful bird !
    Have a nice Sunday !

    1. yes....pretty

      Thank you-
      Nesting of Mississippi Kites in the Areas – Nature 77
      Some people might be wrong to distinguish the different between Bald Eagles and Mississippi Kites.

  4. Lindo reportaje nos dejas de las 'cometas' del Misisipi, toda una delicia contemplarles. Gracias por todo ello.
    Un abrazo

    1. Thank you-
      Nesting of Mississippi Kites in the Areas – Nature 77

  5. Buen domingo, y bonito reportaje. Besotes.

  6. I don't think we have either of them here.

  7. Las águilas son una belleza de la naturaleza: imponentes y ligeras en su vuelo. Por aquí, hay cazadores fortuitos de estos ejemplares cetreros. NO sé que ganan depredándolas. Un abrazo. Carlos

    1. True.....

      Thank you for visiting-
      Nesting of Mississippi Kites in the Areas – Nature 77
      Some people might be wrong to distinguish the different between Bald Eagles and Mississippi Kites.

  8. Hello!
    Beautiful animals, birds are amazing! Beautiful photos, amazing post as always!
    Greetings from Poland!

  9. Beautiful birds!
    I wouldn't know the difference!

    Hugs and blessings

  10. Ótima informação aqui nos deixas. É sempre bom sabermos um pouco mais.
    Votos de uma excelente semana!

    Mário Margaride

    1. Right....

      Thank you for coming-
      Nesting of Mississippi Kites in the Areas – Nature 77
      Some people might be wrong to distinguish the different between Bald Eagles and Mississippi Kites.

  11. We have some kinds of hawk or eagle in our area.. don't know what kind though.

  12. I do have the opportunity to see bald eagles from time to time, but not Mississippi Kites. I would love to be able to see these birds in the wild. What a magnificent bird!

    1. great that you could see bald eagles from time to time...

      Thanks for comment-
      Nesting of Mississippi Kites in the Areas – Nature 77
      Some people might be wrong to distinguish the different between Bald Eagles and Mississippi Kites.

  13. Precioso reportaje. Siempre interesantes tus entradas 👏🏼👏🏼👏🏼👏🏼

  14. Glad to hear Bald Eagles are no longer endangered. We have a species called the Brahminy Kite that bears a striking resemblance to them.

  15. Hello,
    Great sighting of the Mississippi Kites, I would love to see even just of of these birds. They are beautiful. Thank you for linking up and sharing your post. Take care, have a great weekend.

  16. We see this Kite and the Swallowtail Kite here too. They are beautiful birds. How nice to see so many!

    1. they quite abundant in southern states....

      Thanks for comment-
      Nesting of Mississippi Kites in the Areas – Nature 77
      Some people might be wrong to distinguish the different between Bald Eagles and Mississippi Kites.


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