Tuesday, 27 June 2023

Male and Female House Finch Visiting Feeder Recently – Nature 79

Our bird feeder was visited by two house finches recently. We believe, the two birds are male and female.

Image 1- Two birds, house finches at feeder

The different between female and male of house finch that generally, females tend to have gray brown color in their body, while male’s body has red patches colors and brown on its back.

House finches with scientific name Haemorhous mexicanus, actually live in their breeding ground all year round.

However, some of house finches do migrate short distance from north to south during winter season.

Image 2- Plants, just illustration

In nature, house finches are known to consume seeds, fruits and other foods. They may also eat insects.

Image 3- Male and female house finches.

Have you seen house finches in your areas?

# Previous postings:


  1. Es muy lindo ese comedero , ojalá lleguen a criar . Un besote.

  2. I do not see many finches in my region. I love their agility and small petite size.

  3. Gracias pór esta lección de ornitología. Un abrazo. Carlos

    1. I see...

      Thank you-
      Male and Female House Finch Visiting Feeder Recently – Nature 79
      Our bird feeder was visited by two house finches recently. We believe, the two birds are male and female.

  4. This comment has been removed by the author.

  5. They sing really beautifully...we call them Buchfink here.

  6. Beautiful !
    I've two birds feeders in my backyard !
    Have a nice day !

  7. Nice photos, I like birds I have almost always had, my father instilled in me the love for them, today I have canaries.
    Best regards.

  8. So cool ♥


    1. pretty birds...

      Thank you for coming-
      Male and Female House Finch Visiting Feeder Recently – Nature 79
      Our bird feeder was visited by two house finches recently. We believe, the two birds are male and female.

  9. Lovely photos.
    I've never seen finches in my neck of the woods.

    Hugs and blessings

  10. Muito interessante sem dúvida. Há muito que não vejo tentilhoes. Porventura só na floresta.
    Excelente partilha, amiga.
    Votos de um excelente fim de semana!

    Mário Margaride

  11. You have a beautiful bird visit.
    Have a good weekend.

    1. fun to see them visit our yard....

      Thank you for visiting-
      Male and Female House Finch Visiting Feeder Recently – Nature 79
      Our bird feeder was visited by two house finches recently. We believe, the two birds are male and female.

  12. Que bonito, seguro que con sus trinos alegran tu día a día!
    Saludos buen fin de semana

    1. I see....

      Thank you for comment-
      Male and Female House Finch Visiting Feeder Recently – Nature 79
      Our bird feeder was visited by two house finches recently. We believe, the two birds are male and female.

  13. Thank you for this interesting post.

    1. Thank you for comment in my post-
      Male and Female House Finch Visiting Feeder Recently – Nature 79
      Our bird feeder was visited by two house finches recently. We believe, the two birds are male and female.

  14. Such pretty birds to have in your garden! We don't have house finches in the UK

    1. some birds are living in the USA only....unfortunately.

      Thank you for comment in my post-
      Male and Female House Finch Visiting Feeder Recently – Nature 79
      Our bird feeder was visited by two house finches recently. We believe, the two birds are male and female.

  15. Precioso comedero. Siempre se aprende leyéndote.


  16. House finches are stunning birds, and it's wonderful that they visit your feeder.

  17. Hello,
    Great captures of the Houses Finches, I have not seen them around here lately. Thank you for linking up and sharing your post. Take care, have a happy weekend.


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