Thursday, 11 May 2023

Using of Liquid Soap in American Households

We are using both liquid and bar soaps to wash our hands or other purposes with some reasons.

Image 01- The same brand of Liquid hand soap

First, we believe that liquid and bar soaps have equally effective to combat virus, bacteria and any other “dangerous” germs.

Second, in term of prices or affordable:

- bar soap is more affordable to clean our hand or body
- however, it is cheaper to use liquid soap to wash dishes.

In fact, the liquid soap is quite last longer to clean bowls and plates. The cleaning be easier and straightforward, no need to do multiple washes like using bar soaps.

Image 2- The bar soap at Walmart store

Trending of using liquid soaps is increasing year by year. As reported by Statista (2022) that number of people use liquid soap much more than who use bar soaps.

Image 03- People at the small market

The different number are following:

- about 273.23.71 million Americans used bar soap in 2020.
- about 301.87 million Americans used liquid hand soaps in 2020

Image 04- Two liquid hand soaps

Which ones do you love: liquid or bar soaps?

# Previous postings:


  1. Líquido.
    Sin duda.
    En barra no me gusta.


  2. I prefer the liquid, it is undoubtedly more hygienic...
    Still on unwanted break, I have a treat for friends,
    on the 'Convívio dos Poetas'...
    Great weekend... 🌿🏵️☘️🦜

  3. Liquid.
    I find bar soaps icky!

    Hugs and blessings

  4. Hello!
    As for the soap at the sink - it's liquid. I love bar soap in the shower! :)
    Greetings from Poland!

    1. glad to hear...

      Thank you to visit my post-
      Using of Liquid Soap in American Households
      We are using both liquid and bar soaps to wash our hands or other purposes with some reasons.

  5. Me gusta el jabón en líquido , pero vamos el otro tan bien. Un beso , feliz viernes.

  6. Eu também prefiro o sabonete líquido. É sem dúvida mais barato e mais saudável.
    Excelente partilha aqui nos deixas, minha amiga.
    Votos de um excelente fim de semana!

    Mário Margaride

  7. We use both liquid and bar soaps.

  8. Bar soaps dehydrate skin more than liquid soap. Best neutral PH

    1. I see....

      Thank you to visit my post-
      Using of Liquid Soap in American Households
      We are using both liquid and bar soaps to wash our hands or other purposes with some reasons.

  9. I like to use liquid soaps, my husband uses bar soap.

  10. I think I like liquid soaps. Thank you for this post! Cathy

  11. i use both soaps, nice to see.

    1. great....

      Thank you to visit my post-
      Using of Liquid Soap in American Households
      We are using both liquid and bar soaps to wash our hands or other purposes with some reasons.

  12. Me resultan más cómodos y limpios los líquidos.


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