Friday, 12 May 2023

The Red Shoulder Hawk at Neighborhood – Part 1 - Nature 71

We have seen different kinds of hawks at our neighborhood since several years ago, and 4 reports have been posted at this blog.

Image 1- Red shoulder hawk at neighborhood

You may read the 4 previous postings:

Image 2- Injured hawk, just illustration

Few days ago, in the morning, we spotted a beautiful bird on the way out of our neighborhood.

We spot the same bird again, we narrowed it down to a Raptor or bird of prey, let’s say a hawk.

Image 3- Adriatic lily, illustration only.

We need to find out the species of hawk. What do you think?

# To be continued to Part 2

## Previous postings:


  1. Beautiful hawk ! And flower !
    Have a nice weekend !

  2. I haven't seen any hawk in our neighbourhood.

  3. Great shot! A very beautiful hawk.
    Lately I have seen some hawks over the country. It is not usual around here.

    1. I see....

      Thank you to visit my post-
      The Red Shoulder Hawk at Neighborhood – Part 1 - Nature 71
      We have seen different kinds of hawks at our neighborhood since several years ago, and 4 reports have been posted at this blog.

  4. Great shot! A very beautiful hawk.
    Lately I have seen some hawks over the country. It is not usual around here.

  5. Opino que vives en un lugar maravilloso.

  6. Compreendo o interesse em identificar essa ave.
    Também me preocupo em saber todos os nomes dos animais e plantas que encontro na natureza.
    Abraço de amizade.
    Juvenal Nunes

  7. Great shot and a beautiful hawk.

    1. by chance....

      Thank you to visit my post-
      The Red Shoulder Hawk at Neighborhood – Part 1 - Nature 71
      We have seen different kinds of hawks at our neighborhood since several years ago, and 4 reports have been posted at this blog.

  8. Vives en un entorno maravilloso. Felicidades!

  9. Beautiful Hawk and pretty flowers. Thank you for linking up and sharing your post. Take care, have a great weekend.

  10.'s nice to catch the hawk, they always fly off as I approach.

    1. so true...

      Thank you for visiting my post-
      The Red Shoulder Hawk at Neighborhood – Part 1 - Nature 71
      We have seen different kinds of hawks at our neighborhood since several years ago, and 4 reports have been posted at this blog.

  11. Lovely Hawk and delightful blossoms.

    1. Indeed

      Thank you for coming to my post-
      The Red Shoulder Hawk at Neighborhood – Part 1 - Nature 71
      We have seen different kinds of hawks at our neighborhood since several years ago, and 4 reports have been posted at this blog.

  12. Really like that Red Shouldered Hawk. It looks very proud.

  13. Hello :=)
    A very beautiful Hawk, and pretty flowers.

  14. That first photo is really nice. We get a Cooper Hawk hunting once in a while in our garden.

    1. glad you ever got hawk in your garden...

      Thank you-
      The Red Shoulder Hawk at Neighborhood – Part 1 - Nature 71
      We have seen different kinds of hawks at our neighborhood since several years ago, and 4 reports have been posted at this blog.

  15. It's hard to ID Hawks. We have quite a variety here in Florida and I'm still learning.

  16. Great captures of the hawks and flowers. Hard to get photos of hawks with their camouflaged feathers!

    1. just by chance...

      Thank you for coming-
      The Red Shoulder Hawk at Neighborhood – Part 1 - Nature 71
      We have seen different kinds of hawks at our neighborhood since several years ago, and 4 reports have been posted at this blog.


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