Wednesday, 19 April 2023

The Hatching of Duck Eggs in the Pot – Nature 65

We have talked about duck’s eggs, the species of duck which own the eggs and incubation of eggs at previous postings.

Image 1- Ducklings, just hatching

You may read the previous postings:

Yes, after 31 days incubation, eggs are hatched. The hatching eggs were not all together or not in the same time.

The first hatching at day 31st, then followed by other eggs. The last hatching egg at day 34th.

Image 2- Mother and her babies

Since the each egg didn’t hatching at the same time, thus, the lessons we might learn:

- never mess the eggs.
- never intervene with hatching process.
- let’s nature work alone.

Image 3- Mother duck, just take a rest for a while.

I will tell you what happen with babies duck by next posting. Just wait and see.

# Previous postings:


  1. Amazing photos!
    Kisses from Poland :)

  2. Muy bien lo que nos cuentas, esos huevos nos dan más patitos y estos la alegría de verlos en plena acción. Un abrazo.

  3. El milagro de la vida en todo su esplendor.



    1. Thanks for visiting-
      The Hatching of Duck Eggs in the Pot – Nature 65
      We have talked about duck’s eggs, the species of duck which own the eggs and incubation of eggs at previous postings.

  4. Nice to see... 🍀🌸💚

  5. Interessante informação aqui nos trazes, minha amiga.
    Belas aves sem dúvida.
    Deixo os meus votos de um Feliz fim de semana.

    Mário Margaride

  6. They are so cute...
    Have a nice weekend.

  7. Replies
    1. Thanks for visiting-
      The Hatching of Duck Eggs in the Pot – Nature 65
      We have talked about duck’s eggs, the species of duck which own the eggs and incubation of eggs at previous postings.

  8. Cute ducklings, they are just adorable. Great shots of the duck family.
    Thank you for linking up and sharing your post. Take care, have a great day and happy weekend!

  9. ...the pot makes a great nest.

  10. What a neat thing to get to watch....a real miracle of life!

    1. Thanks for visiting-
      The Hatching of Duck Eggs in the Pot – Nature 65
      We have talked about duck’s eggs, the species of duck which own the eggs and incubation of eggs at previous postings.

  11. How lovely to see them so young. Hope you enjoy following their journey.

    1. Thanks for visiting-
      The Hatching of Duck Eggs in the Pot – Nature 65
      We have talked about duck’s eggs, the species of duck which own the eggs and incubation of eggs at previous postings.


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