Sunday, 16 April 2023

“Let's go” and “Let's play” - Part 1 - Alzheimer's 13

We had a short conversation after finished a route walk in Walk to End Alzheimer's. This is a kind of routine exercise, almost every day.

Image 1- A Rosary, morning prayers, illustration

The most interesting in the conversation is the favorite words in the loved one with Alzheimer's disease.

In the stage of Alzheimer's with the sign lose words, some favorite words will remain in memory cells.

I have my favorite words, or a phrase. Sure, It does not a bad word, or curse :)

Some of us in the that group of conversation said that they have some words to spell too when they just get up in the morning to give them the strength, to make the day brighter and happier. 

Image 2- A big yellow flower, illustration

Some of us, get up and reach rosary to say some words. We, sometimes just stare at the 3 crucial words “LOVE, HOPE, FAITH” in beautiful frame sit on the nightstand.

Image 3- The painting, a primary school student

# To be continued to Part 2

## Previous postings:


  1. These days I forget things easily...hope it's not a sign of early Alzheimer's disease.

  2. I understand this disease. I wish you all the best and best regards!

  3. Qué lindo rosario, es una buena manera de tener hábitos cada dia , asi la mente se acostumbra y al menos la rutina nos vendrá bien . Un beso y feliz semana.

    1. Thanks to visit my post-
      “Let's go” and “Let's play” - Part 1 - Alzheimer's 13
      We had a short conversation after finished a route walk in Walk to End Alzheimer's. This is a kind of routine exercise, almost every day.

  4. Hay que luchar contra esa enfermedad cómo sea.

  5. I love the way you expressed yourself.

  6. As terapias para a doença de Alzheimer são fundamentais.

    1. Thanks to visit my post-
      “Let's go” and “Let's play” - Part 1 - Alzheimer's 13
      We had a short conversation after finished a route walk in Walk to End Alzheimer's. This is a kind of routine exercise, almost every day.

  7. UN post continuo sobre como mirar el olvido en esta terrible enfermedad.,
    Un abrazo. carlos

  8. Sem dúvida uma doença terrível. Tudo o que possa minimizar esta doença, é sempre bem-vindo.
    Deixo os meus votos de uma excelente semana.

    Mário Margaride

  9. If I couldn't remember many words... LOVE, HOPE, FAITH would certainly be ones I would want to be able to remember!

    1. I see....

      Thanks to visit my post-
      “Let's go” and “Let's play” - Part 1 - Alzheimer's 13
      We had a short conversation after finished a route walk in Walk to End Alzheimer's. This is a kind of routine exercise, almost every day.

  10. Muy triste caer en el olvido...

  11. Your one decade rosary is lovely. What a sad disease that some has to endure.
    Wishing patient care giving to those afflicted.
    Thanks for linking to Monday WRites at my blog.



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