Thursday, 27 April 2023

A Blue Parakeet in the Park – Nature 67

We have talked about Green parakeet, also well known as the Monk parrot at previous post.

Image 1- A Blue Parakeet on twigs.

You may read the previous post of Green Parakeet:

Blue Parakeet also known as Blue Budgerigars has scientific name Melopsittacus undulatus, native to Australia.

This little critter was seen in our neighborhood park recently. As reported by Kai Kupperschmidst in Science (2017: How this Popular Pet Store Bird Got its Sky-blue Hue) that this blue color parakeet is very rare in nature.

Image 2- Illustration only

Hence, this lonely Blue Parakeet is highly possibility not wild one, but belong to someone as a pet. Who know that the bird escaped from its “convenient” cage, then lost the way or doesn’t know to return home.

The bird looks pretty with striped white and blue with vibrant black spots and stripes.

Image 3- A lonely Blue Parakeet in the wild

Have you seen this kind of bird as a wild bird or pet?

# Previous postings:


  1. The blue parakeet is looking so colourful

  2. Te deseo que disfrutes del fin de semana , aquí tenemos unos días más , por fiestas.
    Un beso y hasta la vuelta.

  3. I have never seen a blue one here, lots lots of green one though.

    1. Thanks for visiting my post-
      A Blue Parakeet in the Park – Nature 67

  4. Mi padre tenía uno.
    No había vuelto a acordarme.
    Al ver la foto se han despertado recuerdos de mi infancia.

    1. Thanks for visiting my post-
      A Blue Parakeet in the Park – Nature 67

  5. She looks very beautiful.
    Have a nice weekend.

  6. So cool and cute :)

    1. Thanks for visiting my post-
      A Blue Parakeet in the Park – Nature 67
      We have talked about Green parakeet, also well known as the Monk parrot at previous post.

  7. Hello,
    I had a couple of these cute birds when I was young. They can escape if people are not careful. They are not used to being in the wild. Cute bird.
    Thank you for linking up and sharing your post. Take care, have a wonderful new week.

  8. Gorgeous parakeet with bright colors.

    1. Have a great day

      A Blue Parakeet in the Park – Nature 67
      We have talked about Green parakeet, also well known as the Monk parrot at previous post.


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