Wednesday, 8 March 2023

Traditional books versus electronic books for children – Part 1 - Reading 13

Last weekend, just stopped by for a cup of cold latte at Starbucks coffee shop inside the Barnes and Noble bookstore.

Image 1- Noah’s ark story

The books in the cart are getting lower price day by day, and there are many novels and children's books. One of the books took my attention is the Noah Ark! That my favorite story.

I took this book and will give it to Cassie, a three year old granddaughter of Ms L. a member of group in our community.

This traditional book brought many thought about reading for the


She told me that

Image 2- Wild fruit, illustration only

Lately many people suggest to use e-book and interactive e-book for children, especially children in 0 to 5 years old. In this age, it is critical for book reading.

Reading to support kids healthy development brain and important for development of vocabulary, literacy, language skill and better academic ability. 

Image 3 – Books on the shelf, illustration

# To be continued to Part 2

## Previous postings:


  1. Buenos días, gracias por tus entradas. Un beso feliz dia.

  2. I still prefer traditional paper books...

  3. I sono sempre per i libri tradizionali...

  4. Ahora leo en libro electrónico.
    Es mucho más cómodo y más ecológico.


    1. Thanks to visit my post-
      Traditional books versus electronic books for children – Part 1
      Last weekend, just stopped by for a cup of cold latte at Starbucks coffee shop inside the Barnes and Noble bookstore.

  5. I had never thought about this situation: e-books for children who have not dominate the reading...
    Yes, it could be an interesting idea...

    1. Thanks to visit my post-
      Traditional books versus electronic books for children – Part 1
      Last weekend, just stopped by for a cup of cold latte at Starbucks coffee shop inside the Barnes and Noble bookstore.

  6. I still prefer read books in paper. Thanks for sharing.
    I invite you to visit my last post. Have a good week!

  7. Particularmente a mi, me gustan los libros de papel, aunque comprendo que quizás para los niños sea mas atractivo y mejor el books
    Tu entrada es fantastica, gracias por compartir
    Un abrazo

  8. Good idea to dedicate the book to Cassie.
    Have a nice weekend.

  9. I prefer traditional paper books too.

    Have a great weekend!

  10. Yo prefiero leer en el libro tradicional en papel. Me encanta olerlos! Jeje

  11. I love the story of Noah's Ark, this is such a fun story for kiddos and adults alike. I agree, it is so important to get kids interested in reading as early as possible!


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