Saturday, 4 March 2023

The Ghosts of Paris by Tara Moss – Part 1 – Reading 12

Tara Moss launched the second thrilling tale of Billie Walker series, The Ghosts of Paris.

Image 1- Cover book, The Ghosts of Paris

Billie Walker is a survivor and widow from war in Europe, then she returned to Sidney, Australia, and reopened her father office that served as a private investigator

The Ghost of Paris is about Billie Walker’s job in helping her client, Vera Montgomery, to investigate her of husband. Mrs. Montgomery.

Vera needs proof either her husband dead or deserted her, so she can decide her own future life. She hired Billie Walker to discover any proof about her husband with fantastic pay.

Image 2- Illustration only

Vera had never heard from her husband for 2 years. After months of Victory in Europe Day, he disappeared in Paris, the last letter from him when he was in Ritz Paris, then she has never gotten the second letter.

Image 3- The back cover of book

She contacts the Bureau of Information Australia, there is zero clue about him.

# To be continued to Part 2

## Previous postings:


  1. Seems an interesting suspense in the storyline

  2. Una buena recomendación. Besos , feliz domingo.

  3. Seems quite interesting...looking forward to the 2nd part.

  4. Gracias por la recomendación 👍

  5. Não sou muito de ver séries!!
    Coisas de uma vida
    Beijo, Bom Domingo

  6. Interesante de verdad y un poquito triste por el silencio
    In abrazo

    1. Thanks to visit my post-
      The Ghosts of Paris by Tara Moss – Part 1 – Reading 12
      Tara Moss launched the second thrilling tale of Billie Walker series, The Ghosts of Paris.

  7. Olá amiga,
    Interessantes dicas e sugestões aqui partilhas.
    Gostei de ler.
    Votos de uma excelente semana!

    Mário Margaride

  8. Parece muy interesante.
    Espero que te guste.


  9. Sounds interesting.. I think I have spotted this book on goodreads recently.

    1. Thanks to visit my post-
      The Ghosts of Paris by Tara Moss – Part 1 – Reading 12
      Tara Moss launched the second thrilling tale of Billie Walker series, The Ghosts of Paris.


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