Friday, 10 March 2023

The American Robin in the Yard – Nature 55

Even though birds' population and species are decreasing since several years ago, our backyard is still visited by some important birds.

Image 1- An American Robin on the ground

American Robin with scientific name Turdus migratorious is one of birds comes frequently to our backyard at early Spring to Summer every year.

We have noticed the presence of the birds by their sounds in the morning until before noon. The sound of American Robins is quite familiar in our yards during Spring and Summer.

The American Robin is a common bird in our areas. As suggested by Melissa Witte Berninger (2021: The most abundant bird in America may surprise you!) that American Robin is abundant bird in North America.

Image 2- The bird looks curious at me

The bird population is about 37 million individuals. The number of American Robin is much more compared to house finches, mourning doves and red winged blackbirds.

Image 3- The bird starts to run away.

What do you think about American Robin in your areas?

# Previous postings:


  1. We have robins, but I am not sure whether they are American robins or not.

  2. Por donde yo vivo no he visto nunca.


  3. Siempre interesante en cada entrada 👏👏👏

  4. Por aquí también los vemos.
    Buen domingo.


  6. Gostei bastante! Obrigada :))
    De janela aberta, ao silêncio desejado
    Beijo. Votos de uma excelente semana!

  7. El petirrojo es una ave encantadora. Un abrazo. Carlos

  8. You managed to capture show great images of the American Robin.

  9. I am glad the Robin population is doing so well. They seem to be here year round, always a treat to see and hear. Great photos. Thank you for linking up and sharing your post. Take care, have a happy day and great new week.

    1. Thanks to visit my post-
      The American Robin in the Yard – Nature 55
      Even though birds' population and species are decreasing since several years ago, our backyard is still visited by some important birds.

  10. American robins are more visually appealing than their Indian counterparts that are found here. Nice pics!

    1. Thanks to visit my post-
      The American Robin in the Yard – Nature 55
      Even though birds' population and species are decreasing since several years ago, our backyard is still visited by some important birds.


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