Wednesday, 29 March 2023

Spring Hummingbirds in Our Neighborhood – Nature 58

We posted the winter hummingbird in our areas previously: - The Rainbow Before Evening : The Winter Hummingbird at Our Community – Science 26

Image 1- A hummingbird approaching feeder

Now, Spring is coming. We start to see another season of hummingbirds visits our nearby places.

Many neighbors start to put their feeders since last February. Then, we just saw the hummingbirds were coming to feed on feeders around in the middle of March this year.

Unfortunately, the photos (please see Images 1 and 2) are not clear enough to identify species of birds. Even my Google ID can’t recognize whether the object is bird or not.

Image 2- Emerald snow, illustration only

Based on report from Baton Rouge Audubon Society (2023: Feeding Hummingbirds) that only one species of hummingbird in Gulf Coast area around February to March. As you might know, the Gulf Coast include our state, Louisiana.

Image 3- A hummingbird feed on the feeder

The species of hummingbird is Ruby throats (Archilochus colubris). The bird come from Mrxico and Central America for breeding and nesting in our regions.

# Previous postings:


  1. They are birds from the American continent that captivate
    enormous sympathy from Europeans...
    We receive migratory birds from Africa...
    Have a nice day.

  2. The pool doesn't seem heated...
    A great sport, but what about cold?!: ((

  3. Por lo que vas publicando veo que vives en un sitio muy hermoso.

  4. On our daily walk, we hear and see so many different kinds of birds...plenty of European robins.

    1. interesting place if there are plenty of birds,....

      Thanks for visiting my post-
      Spring Hummingbirds in Our Neighborhood – Nature 58
      We posted the winter hummingbird in our areas previously: - The Rainbow Before Evening : The Winter Hummingbird at Our Community – Science 26

  5. El colibrí migratorio. Aquí donde vivo, el colibrí que también lo llaman el chupaflor, le encantan los jardines, y supongo que es también un buen polinizador. Un abrazo. carlos

  6. Hermosos los colibríes 👏🏼👏🏼👏🏼

  7.  you live in a stunning part of the world.

  8. Good to learn about Ruby Throats. Never heard of it before

    1. Thanks for visiting my post-
      Spring Hummingbirds in Our Neighborhood – Nature 58
      We posted the winter hummingbird in our areas previously: - The Rainbow Before Evening : The Winter Hummingbird at Our Community – Science 26

  9. O beija flor, é uma Ave muito bela sem dúvida. Excelente partilha, minha amiga.
    Deixo os meus votos de um excelente fim de semana!

    Mário Margaride

  10. Hummingbirds are fascinating!

    Hugs and blessings.

  11. Spring is slowly approaching us....
    Have a nice weekend.

    1. Thanks for visiting my post-
      Spring Hummingbirds in Our Neighborhood – Nature 58
      We posted the winter hummingbird in our areas previously: - The Rainbow Before Evening : The Winter Hummingbird at Our Community – Science 26

  12. Hello,
    I love the hummingbirds. I am waiting patiently for them to return to my yard and feeders. Thank you for linking up and sharing your post. Take care, have a happy weekend.

  13. Hummingbirds are so beautiful and fun to watch. We see them more on flowers here than at feeders. Sure is hard to get good photos though! You did great!

  14. Hello :=)
    Super hummingbird silhouette. I love these tiny colourful birds. but never see them in Portugal. Your photos are charming.

  15. I just love the Hummingbirds. Wish we had them here.

    1. unfortunately, hummingbirds live in America continent only...

      Thanks for visiting my post-
      Spring Hummingbirds in Our Neighborhood – Nature 58
      We posted the winter hummingbird in our areas previously: - The Rainbow Before Evening : The Winter Hummingbird at Our Community – Science 26


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Many people raising chicken in their backyard for fresh eggs and or meat, but others just for fun. Image 01 - Crest on the head. A Sweet Pol...